Hey there guys!
Finally out of the dreadful hospital! Sorry I've not been around. Life has been crazy. I'll catch you up to speed.
I've had 9 kidney stones since May 16th, 2007 (the date of my surgery). One of them was too large to pass so it blocked my right kidney in the renal pelvis for a little over a month causing the kidney to swell to 2 times the size it is normally. I had surgery, they put a stent in to allow the urine to drain. The day after my surgery I went to the ER with excrutiating pain and they found the stent was hanging out of my body. The ER Dr. attempted to get ahold of my urologist for an hour, meanwhile I was puking, and the urologist finally phoned back stating to pull it out. The ER Dr. couldn't find it, it went back in however did not go back in properly. I had to wait another 5 days to get it out...meanwhile in a lot of pain while going to the bathroom, etc. I purposely wasn't drinking much because it just hurt too bad to go potty. Finally got the stent out last Wednesday and started that night with a fever. The fever grew to 105 Thursday night accompanied by chills and dizziness. I went to the Dr. on Friday morning where they did urine and blood tests and x-rays. They determined I needed to go to the hospital immediately where I stayed until Sunday night. I was severely dehydrated, extremely severe kidney infection with the start of sepsis which can be fatal, and had I waited another day, permanent kidney damage. They still don't know the extent of damage to my kidney, they are hoping there will be none but are unsure. I'm still not 100% back to normal but I'm working, I went back to work Monday but moving slowly and drinking a lot. Still struggling with food though.
On a positive note, I changed jobs. I am now an administrator and social worker for the dementia and alzheimer's unit at a nursing care facility. I enjoy it and it challenges me which is what I need to stay happy otherwise I get bored. I've also lost 95 lbs since the middle of May. Things are looking much nicer on me and I've already had to pack away the "360# clothes" I haven't weighed 265 since my freshman year in high school. I saw a few classmates the other day and they couldn't believe it was me. One that I had a crush on said I was looking HOT. I haven't felt that way in a long time. It's amazing how your self esteem changes and how much more confident you end up becoming. I would never have applied for my current job had I weighed 360#. My mom and dad think I look like I weigh around 220 so I'll take that. I will promise to get some updated pics on here asap.
Thanks for the prayers and concern. I didn't mean to abandon you all here at OH. I've just had a lot on my plate with changing careers, family, opening a new business, my health, etc. Overall I am SO happy I did this but wish the kidney issues would stop. The surgery didn't cause it but it exacerbates the problem. Keep in touch and I will try to do better about coming on here more often!

So glad to hear you are doing better. I have had 9 kidney stones myself, so I can imagine what you've been going through. Yikes!
Good to hear from you again- sounds like your weight loss is going great! Hopefully now the kidney stones will get all straighened out and seems like you'll be good to go!
Hope your new job goes well and that you're feeling better soon.
Nice to see you back on the boards!

I am so glad to hear that you are doing better. The last I had heard from you, I got the impression that you were regretting the surgery. It sounds like that is really quite the opposite. I can't wait to see the new pics. We have all seen some changes in our lives and even bigger ones are on the horizon. Congrats on the new job..you deserve it.
Anyway, I'm so glad that you have been doing well from a weight loss standpoint and the health issues seem to be kept at bay at this point. All this time I was thinking that the surgery was not working for you...yippeeeeee. I'm happy for you.