Newbie College Student
Yup, that's me. I started College last week. Let me tell you, I am so thankful I had my surgery when I did. I have lost 60 lbs, and I couldn't imagine lugging that around with me and my oversized book bag!!! I was exhausted by the end of my first week, but it was a good thing. Now I just need to get into a routine. I am all about structure.
Thanks everyone for all your support!!!
Congratulations Betsy! You look fabulous. You'll do great at college! We start back to school on Wednesday (
) and I just can't get it together. It was nice sleeping until 8:30 am and now it's back to waking up at 5:30 am. lol But, at least I can be sure to get my 4 miles walk in every morning. Just now it'll be after I drop the kid at school.
What kind of fun classes are you taking???
* Cyndi *

I'm hoping the book bag weighs less than the 60 lbs you lost!
When I was in college I used to ride my bike there. Had a little trailer behind it that carried books and clothes. Went to the gym first and then showered and changed. After school, rode to work, then home. It was a minimum of 15 miles a day plus whatever we did in PE class. (Yes, they actually had PE class in college when I went! That makes me older than...20? 30? 40?)
But then I got a job, got married, got to be a father, got too busy to exercise and went from athlete to fat-hlete.
If I had it to do over again knowing what I do now, that is to say if I were where you are now, I'd not let those other things push the exercise out of my life. You WILL be tempted along the way. Don't give in! That structure you like should help.
You might think about starting your professional networking
early (if you haven't already) so you'll have more resources and potentially more prospects to choose from when you graduate.
Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn if you like. I see job postings there all the time and people are more likely to hire someone they know or at least know by reputation. I know a dozen or so folks that were hired based on this kind of referral,!
-- T.Rob