One goal met!!
It probably doesn't seem like a biggie, but to me it is. I was so upset when I realized just how over weight I was. On the day of my surgery I discussed with my Dr. what we both thought my goal weight should be. This is when I realized that I was 143 pounds over weight! Thats alot of weight is all I could think. So I made my first personal weight loss goal to lose 43 pounds so that I could only have 100 to lose. I know it seems like ONLY 100? Thats alot of weight, but at the time, I set this to be my first goal. And YEAH... I have lost 43 pounds. I haad many stalls I am not even 3 months out and had a 3 week stall where I lost nothing, and a 2 week stall where I lost nothing. As upsetting as stalls are, they do happen and everyone loses differently. Thank you all for being supportive during my whining and groaning over my stalls. I really appreciate it! Hugz xoxoxoxo Tina
Small goals appear to be more easily met and help to keep me on track. If I looked at the entire amount of weight I need to lose to be "normal" I am not sure I could find my way there. I have made it a point to reward myself with something I need for every 50 pounds I lose, this seems to be a better way to keep me focused. my rewards are usually an article of clothing as things are not fitting
well now and I need clothing for work. Good for you on reaching any goals you have set for yourself, and much continued success!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gayle

Good for you....way to reach that goal. Also, it seems like you are able to embrace the stalls as just another part of the process. If you do the work, the rewards are just around the corner. We just don't happen to know how far away those corners happen to be is all.
Keep up the good work....that next stall....bring it on....I'm ready for it.