Chat is forbidden tonight
Okay, I was just making sure I had your attention. Actually there really is no rule against having chats, but I thought I might propose a Maysters monthly chat meeting reunion.
This is in response to having several of you ask if we were going to have chats anymore. It might be easier to remember it if we make it the last Wednesday of the month except when there are 5 Wednesdays. So the general rule of thumb could be the 4th Wednesday of the month. Does anyone think that would be a good idea? I will also try (no promises here) to send a message a couple of days ahead of time to anyone *****plies to this message thread.
Let me know????
P.S. The next chat meeting will likely be Wednesday, August 22nd (next week). We will plan to start at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, and 9 pm Eastern...just like in the old days.....way back when we held the titles of meager pre-opers.

That totally doesn't work for me. My support group meetings are the 4th Wednesday of every month. I'd never be able to "talk" to you guys.
I'd rather set it once a week if possible. Mondays didn't work for me because I got addicted to Hell's Kitchen.
I do pop into the chat room here sometimes just to see if anyone else just popped in. I don't go to the main chat room because I've seen them talk about everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) BUT WLS.
Hopefully we can find a day/night we can all do.
* Cyndi *