What are us May-Babes eating today? (Friday)
I think today is going to be a bad eating day...I have 0 apetite today!
B - 1/2 cup of Special K Vanilla & Almonds, 1/3 cup 1% milk
Snack - 1/2 cup of coffee, 1/4 milk, teaspoon of splenda
Lunch - Not sure yet, but I'm eating cherries right now
Snack - Sugar-free pudding
Supper - I'm gonna make steak like I did a few weeks ago. Marinated and grilled flank steak, it went down very well and was delicious.
**Side-note for ladies only: My period is messed up and driving me crazy. First 2 periods after surgery were fine, a couple of days late, but no abnormal cramping or bleeding. Fine. I started BC again (Nuvaring) this cycle, the pharmacist told me I could start it right away, which was in the middle of my cycle, so I did. This made my period 3 weeks late, I had pretty bad cramping on the first day...and now it's day 5 and I'm still bleeding as heavily as I was on the first day...and today I am cramping big time again. GAH!
B- 1/3 c Egg Beaters with 1 oz. 2% shredded cheese
S - Tall nf, sf, hazelnut latte
L - 2 oz. scallops (I went to lunch with my Mom....scallops were just marinaded in lemon juice....no dressing on the salad and I didn't eat any of it anyway....)
S - hmmmm.....maybe 2 thinly sliced (more like shavings!) Boar's Head Aroastica roasted chicken (my fav) wrapped around Light Frigo String Cheese. (this stuff is the bomb!! 60 calories and 9 gr protein!!) It ends up being about 100 calorie snack....but about 10 gr protein
D - I haven't the foggiest idea!! lol
S - One No Sugar Added Fudgesicle and 1/4 cup whole grain Goldfish (my true weakness only eaten after I have taken Ambien and cannot possibly indulge in a second serving....)
B- 1/3 cup cheerios and 1/3 of a banana
Protein shake
L- Rolled up deli turkey and cheese and some avacado- high in fat but I couldn't resist!
Protein shake
D- Honey Baked Ham, salad, and a bit of some really good potato salad- delish!
I had some tortilla chips too which were bad...no more of that tomorrow!