Regular Food...finally! But Need Help...
Hi Everyone!
This weekend will be my first adventure into eating not pureed foods. I'm a little nervous. I do just fine with the pureed stuff. But regular food I tend to eat WAY too fast and get the foamies. I'm so tired of getting the foamies so I'm hoping some people have some ideas on how I can help myself.
Also- maybe we can post a few days of menus? I was going to restart Courtney's What did you eat today posts so I can also get some ideas for myself.
As always- thanks for your help
Kathy, I have read your profile and you are doing so great! Congratulations! I have had the foamies way too many times also. I heve realized that I was eating too fast and not chewing my food enough. I eat very, very slowly now and I chew my food until it is really really mushy. The thing that caused me the most problems witht he foamies was bread. I find that I can not tolerate bread at all! So I stay away from it. Try eating really slow and definately chew your food until it is miniscule. I hope that helps. I also found that when ever I eat anything at all, I have to pay total attention to eating. If i get involved with a conversation or eat while reading or on the computer, I find that I just automatically eat too fast. I hope this helps... You are doing great ...keep up the good work and good luck with regular food. Hugz Tina
Hi Kathy,
I certainly think you should restart the daily thread. I did great when I first started solids again. I cut all my food up before eating and remembered to count between bites. I still do this now but, I forget to eat and have gotten bored with my choices. I can never really be sure what I want since my tastes have changed.
So if you remember to cut things into small pieces and I mean everything. It will help you feel like you've eaten more and keep you from getting too full too fast. That is the only little tip I have it has helped me when I remember to eat.