I am in 7th heaven right now because i went to my doctor yesterday and they weighed me and measured me and here were the results:
Total weight loss: 54 pounds
Arms: Lost 2 inches
Waist: Lost 7 inches (WOW)
Hips: Lost 6 1/2 inches (Another WOW)
Legs: Lost 4 inches
I keep thinking nothing is working and then I get results like that. Because I have never had any problems and I can eat everything good, I keep thinking something is wrong but the proof is that RNY is working.
I love it. Please share your exciting stats with me.
Love and hugs,
Esther you're doing GREAT!!!!! I have a computer spreadsheet that I've been using. I started it back during my RS Foodmover days and found it. I measure on Fridays. But, using what you have here's where I am:
Total weight loss: 48.8 lbs (bad me....I weighed twice today lol)
Arms: Lost 2.25 inches each
Waist: Lost 8 inches
Hips: Lost 5 inches
Thighs: Lost 5.5 inches each
I just got back from walking another 2 miles and boy is it windy here! lol I see my surgeon tomorrow so I'm really, REALLY hoping I can get closer to my 50 lb goal.
Love you all!!!!! Man, the May gang is kicking some butt!!!!!
* Cyndi *
Hey Donna,
I know you much look wonderful and surely feel great. I think we get wrapped up in our own little world and start going back to the old way of thinking and forget that we are unique special people and have this incredible tool and we need to take the time to think about ourselves and pat ourselves on the back for what we have already accomplished.
Keep up the good work and remember that we all have each other.
Oh I know and all I meant was it reminded me today was 8 weeks and time for another set of photos I am taking monthly right now. Last month I thought I could tell more of a difference and this month I did not think there is as much of a differnce. But when I stiched the 3 pics you can really see. I am going to post them here soon. I am taking them in the same outfit each month for now so I can see the progress. What my husband pointed out that I had not noticed....we are taking them in the front of the same door and he pointed out I take up a lot less of that door. Sometimes I have to remind myself that when would I ever have lost 3 plus lbs a week without effort. And how great that is. I just get impatient LOL! I took measurements today though and whoa! I had not realized that I had lost so many inches!!!!! The whole thing is amazing!!! And everyone is doing great!!!!
Thanks Esther that is so sweet! You know comments are hard for me to get used to ....nice but hard. There are a few at work calling me skinny minnie....hard for me to except. I mean I am not skinny by any means....but they are all starting to notice. So that is nice!
Got one pic up....still working onthe rest in between entetaining the kids.