will i fail????
so i had my RNY on june 14th...........(im a lurker)
any way so ever since then i have been doing GREAT.............but...........i am always thinking about food.........
what can i eat?
how much can i eat?
is it too much or too little?
i was suppose to stay on a clear liquid diet for at least a week post op........but i have already moved onto the second phase
its not like im drinking milkshakes or anything but im just scared that this is the beginning of some BAD habits............
did anyone else have this food obbsession at first???
food obsession? OHHHHH YEAAAAA! lol i was dreaming about food the first couple of weeks...i'm kinda concerned too because i'm supposed to be on the ground turkey or chicken phase and i'm already eating cheese and pasta! not much of it mind you but still....i think youre just healing quickly....i skipped the moosh phase and i'm fine....i eat those smart ones dinners...(well it takes me like 2 days to eat it) and i'm fine....some people that i've read about on here are still on the liquid phase and can't keep anything down so consider yourself lucky..i know i do!
It's completely normal to be "obsessed" with food for the first couple of weeks. Food was a HUGE part of your life before...and now it plays a very small role. It will get better...trust me! Try to follow your surgeons orders...and eat the right amounts for now. Remember you are healing--and you don't want to cause a leak or any other problems....so be careful. Otherwise, don't worry about it.....the head hunger will get better everyday. At 1 week post op I was CRAVING pizza, hamburger helper, tacos, fast food....every restaurant I drove by made me either angry or made me cry. I'm mostly over it now. Food doesn't torment me anymore.....in fact, I'd rather not eat at all. It doesn't bother me that I'll be missing out on the Sunday night pot-luck at work.......cuz food isn't really that important to me anymore. Thank God! Trust me though..................this too shall pass!!! =)
Hi Katie,
First of all, the doctor operated on our stomachs, not our brains. I wish they had a brain surgery to correct my bad habits. When I hear people say they have lost their appitites or they can't hold anything down, I think to myself that I must be abnormal so I am glad that I am not alone.
I love to eat.....I have been struggling because I am scared that I am eating too much because I can eat more then I think I should. When I start thinking that I am messing up my surgery, I go back on liquid protein so I don't have to deal with food.
I hope this passes because I am scared I will blow this too.
Hey Katie-
I think we are all scared we will fail. How much will we lose? How much will we gain back?Are we eating enough of the right kinds of things? Why can't i go to the bathroom? Is this pain normal?
I just try to keep on eating healthy and exercise daily. Yesterday the roomies made pizza. OMG it smelled delicious. I took the dog for a walk instead.
Try to make good decisons and change your habits if you can. Easier said then done. I'm not looking forward to my next battle with pizza.