How is everyone?
Aside from shedding the pounds?
It hit me this morning (finally!) how happy I am to have made this choice. It wasn't easy those first few weeks...and although I never regretted having surgery, I wondered many times what the heck kind of mess I had gotten myself into.
I know there's still a long road a head, but man does it feel good to see somewhat more clearly again.
Just wondering how everyone else is feeling
Hi Chantal
Glad you are doing well! I feel like I'm doing pretty well for only being 6 days out. So far it's just challenging to get all the stuff in over the course of the day.
I think when I was pre-op and hearing people say that they couldn't drink even 40oz over the day- I just couldn't imagine it. Now I'm a believer! Other than that I've felt good- been walking every day- a little further each day. I haven't had any problems tolerating anything. I feel like I'm on a good start.
100% looking forward to soft food! I'll just have more variety and I think it will be way better.
Anyway- Hope you're all doing well!! YEAH for all of us being looooooosers!
Hey Chantal,
Thanks for asking. I've been really tired the last two weeks. I had my surgery on the 8th. Also I find that I have that head hunger. My roommates will eat something tasty and I'll want some even though I'm not hungry and I know my tummy won't like it. I try to distract myself mostly by researching protein powders and reading posts here. Also I find myself obsessing a little about how much weight I've lost. I need to buy a scale :haha:
Hope you and everyone else from May are doing great!
Patti, that was the one thing I was surprised about, the head hunger. I swear it returned to me the day I got home from the hospital It's been tough but unlike before, now I physically can't eat if I'm full. As for the fatigue, it's gotten better over the past couple of weeks, so hang in there.
And I'll send you my scale, it's probably the only way I could maybe stop obsessing!
Howdy, Y'all!
I had my surgery on May 30th, so I'm four days out, but feeling pretty well, all things considered. I feel very close to my pain meds right now but I'm moving around, and able to get out and walk a fair amount. I did notice that my largest incision is draining a bit; I sent my DH out for more gauze pads. It'll be nice to put my "girls" back into their holster when these incisions heal up; they're kinda floppin' around right now....
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!
Nancy in CO
Hi Chantal and everyone,
I too am happy that I did the surgery. I did have a "feel sorry for myself" moment when our entire family went out to dinner at a restaurant that had absolutely nothing I could eat. I drank water with Lemon and a tiny bit of beans that were very soft but that was it.
I have lost almost 40 pounds and finally Friday, someone said, "Are you losing weight". Probably because I am still wearing the same clothes. I don't want to buy clothes until I have gone down a couple of sizes.
But I am so glad that I had the surgery done and I feel good and have had no complications. Things go down just fine! Maybe too fine!
Love you all,
HI! I was so glad to read this thread & see that others have had that "head hunger". I didn't know what to call it, but that's how I'm feeling. Seeing results sure helps to get over it. Overall everyone seems to be doing very well. I'm so glad to see that.
It's encouraging. I'm not sure about everyone else, although I'm willing to bet that most of us here have always put doing for others before taking care of ourselves. It's our time now & it's gonna be great!!
Take care.
Hey everyone--
I've been missing for a while...I've been staying at my parents' house and their internet is down. I'm doing pretty well.........but still not getting in all my protein and fluids. I despise the protein powders...even though I loved them before surgery--ugh!! Not really feeling tired more naps or anything during the day. I'm going back to work on Thursday. It's been close to 3 weeks (this Thursday)...and I've lost about 29 lbs. I'm also obsessed with the scale...I need to throw it OUT the window. I used to run away from the scale and now I wish I could run away from it. It's hard to weigh one day and it shows you at .4 lbs higher than the day before. It makes me CRAZY--so I just need to stop. But I can' Anyway--glad to hear everyone is doing good.