Hi Everyone,
My surgery was on May 4th. Everything went well. In fact, I walked out of the hospital. Here it is, almost a month later, and I am so sick
I can't put anything in without it coming back to revisit me. Everything that comes up is foam. People have told me that I have the "foamies", but what the heck is the FOAMIES??? And how in the world do I get rid of it?? HELP!
Hi Guys!! Sorry that it took me so long to reply but I have been in the hospital. For a week, I have been in the hospital trying to get re-hydrated. I still have the foamies, and because I am not able to stomach ANY food, I have a PICC line in and I get hooked up to 10 hour feedings every night through I.V. It is one wild ride. I look forward to it being over soon. Take Care...Quinn.