12 days post op.feeling a bit down
Hi Rosina,
That's normal to feel down. The excitement is over and now you just have to rest and feel tired. Now we can't really do much so it's easy to get bored. I went through the same thing. Now I am back to work after 3 weeks and feeling good and you will get there too. Go buy yourself some nice body lotion and some sugar free popcycles and that will make you feel better. Wait until you get on a scale and you will realize that it was all worth it.
Rosina, hang in there. I just had my open RNY on 5/25 and I've had a horrible case of the weepies lately. Yesterday was my birthday. Though my parents and grandfather came over for a while and friends sent cards I was still really emotional. This was the first year that we didn't have the Memorial Day picnic. My grandfather always had a huge cookout and it just really got to me this year. Every other commercial on TV is food related. And I sit here forcing myself to eat Jello. But, it'll get better. Hang in there!
* Cyndi *
I wish I had some magic answer for you but I don't. I just wanted to tell you I know how your feeling. Yesterday was the first day I didn't have a nap and I'm 3 weeks out today. It will get better. Take it easy and try and get out of the house now and then even its to walk around the mall or a store, it does help.
I know exactly how you're feeling! I had surgery 5/23 and It's so hard to watch my husband eat normal food. It's not the food itself I think I miss but I really REALLY miss chewing! I'm tired of all the mushy food and it makes me feel so down in the mouth. I'm starting to get bored beyond belief too. I walk outside my home each day, get a little tired so I take a nap, and I feel like I'm really having to force myself to eat. So, it just makes me more down in the mouth. All you have to remember though is that this is all worth it! You will be a healthier you soon! We're all here for eachother and I know I'm entirely greatful to be able to share this with people going through the same things as me. So, remember you aren't alone! It will get better! :-D