I'm Home
It was a very intense surgery. When he opened me up he found a ton of scar tissue and adhesions that he had to remove and re-route my innards some. There was also a peach sized mass that he found and had to remove, no cancer
Thank You Jesus. Then he had to fix a hiatal hernia and large ventral hernia. So I used up too much time on the table and had to get a band instead. Came home today w/anti biotics for an infection somewhere and have to see a ton of Dr.s in the next week but I'm home and on the mend.too tired to talk-thanks for all prayers-Janet
Hi Janet,
Sorry to hear about all the repairs that they had to do on you. You sound like me....I had a ton of scar tissue and cleanup too but all went well and I am glad that it went well for you too. I am back to work after 3 weeks so walk as much as you can so you will get your strength back. At least we know one thing for sure....we don't have any cancer inside us or the doctors would have seen it.
Now you are on the Loser's Bench with all of us. Keep us posted on the doctor's visits and how you are doing.