Is there chat on Sunday?
Hi Rebecca,
Yes, we will have the chat again. It is interesting to see the transition from the chats at the beginning of the month to now. At first we were like a bunch of school kids gathered at the window trying to see what is going on outside (since I'm a teacher - note teacher images). Now we have half the class that know the assignment and we're trying to get the rest of the class on board. It won't be long and the people from May will pass the baton on to the Junesters.
I'll go schedule the chat...sorry it is busy with the end of school. Keep in mind that anyone can schedule a chat. I suspect that if you post it on the board, several would show up at other times too.
See you Sunday night at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, and 9 pm Eastern. Anywhere else in the world...welcome to join...just figure out the time zone equation.
I'll catch up with you Sunday.