PAT's tomorrow
I'm going for to the hospital tomorrow for 4 long hours of tests...
Chest XRay, EKG, Blood work, meeting with the GI doc...lots of stuff to do.
Cross your fingers that everything goes well.
I have loved reading all the posts about everyone arriving home from the hospital. I can't wait to make that post!
Hope everyone is well
22 days and counting....
Oh boy!!! lol I have my PATs on Wednesday. lol Not sure whether I'm looking forward to it or not. Good luck with all your stuff!!!!
I love reading when people come home too! The hubby is fixing up a new laptop for me to take to the hospital. If I can get a signal maybe I can type from there. lol I don't know what I'd do without my hourly OH fix.
I'm just 16 days and counting!!!!
* Cyndi *