10 more days!!
Okay...I have 10 more days until my surgery day...and I'm getting extremely nervous! Actually...what I'm most nervous about is going to my pre-admission testing on Thursday and them telling me well sorry...this is wrong and you can't have surgery! (Don't know what could be wrong...I'm just paranoid). I'm terrified. I won't feel like this is REALLY happening until I get that over with. I know every surgeon is different...but can any of ya'll that have already had PATs let me know what all you did while you were there? I'm freaking out!
Hey you,
Hang in there...and they won't cancel your surgery! They have no reason to. Pre-op testing is actually really interesting and you'll learn a lot. Just take it easy , your day will come!
My PATs were an all-day event, from 8:30-5. First at the hospital they did my blood tests, EKG, and chest x-rays. Then I went to this other clinic and had my psych eval. They just wanted to make sure I understood that all my weight-loss challenges today will still be there after surgery...and then I told him about my journal and my plans to take pictures every week to track my surgery. He loved that idea! And then he did the metabolic rate test thingamajig, which just involves sitting an breathing through this tube thing, piece of cake.
After that I had my fitness evaluation which was much harder than I expected, I had to run on a treadmill (yes, I said run, not walk) then do push-ups, sit-up, the chair test, all that lasted maybe 45mins.
Then I saw the nutrionist who was a total biatch...but she explained everything and definitely bring questions for her!
Finally I saw the regular doctor who just looked over all the stuff I marked down on my application...like I had my irregular heartbeat thing. I guess they just go over co-morbilities and stuff.
That's that, it'll be fine, I promise!
Courtney I feel the same way...I have my tests done tomorrow
and I am just hoping to sail through! I think I would be crushed if anything would happen to push my surgery date back (especially now after all this waiting...).
I'm bringing my Mom with me (and probably a good gossip magazine ha ha) so hopefully that will help pass the time.
GOOD LUCK with everything!
I'm sure it will be a breeze!