Thought for the day!! From PV, Mexico
I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
-Henry David Thoreau
And as an added thought from me.................... I can't imagine any food tasting as good as victory!! Because it is awesome to be past the deadline and be on the way to success!!
Love ya guys and gals..................... You are definitely all a part of why I am able to be here......................... Keep your eyes focused on what is most important................and that is YOU!!
Thanks for all your prayers, support and well wishes.................... I am absolutely thrilled to be on the losing side. So,come on................... I'll leave the light on for you!!
Be blessed and be a blessing!.................Karen
Hi Karen! I've been on planes, trains and automobiles the last few days and not able to post much, but I've been thinking about you and our other early-May friends. Glad to see you back online and posting. Sounds like you are doing well and, as usual, there for us even now. You are an angel!
-- T.Rob

Thank you sweetie, you!! I saw Esther was lookin' for U so I knew U were travelin'
I have tried to write several notes to reply to several, but doesn't always go thru from South Of the Border!! LOL Just want all of you to know that I appreciate all of you and I am cheeering from here for all of U!!
I am doing great!! Headed to the hotel and beach today!! Thanks to, you, also, Cyndi, I nthink your note disappearred!! lol
Luv ya all!! Karen
You are incredible!
Going to the beach already....right now I wish I was there on the beach with you. I have to go through this weekend but I am going to keep busy cleaning house, getting my nails done and praying a lot. Monday morning I hope I don't fall apart. I know I can do this, but I just get freaked out from time to time.
You are my idol and I hope I do as well as you are doing.
Glad you are doing so great. Tell your daughter thank you for giving me the update on your surgery.
Love ya lots,

I can only be incredible with buddies like you!! And, today, I am with you................right there thru it all, in my heart and thoughts and you know that my prayers are working overtime!! Get ér done, honey.................... Succeess is sweeter with great struggles........................Trust me!! LOve and prayers, always!!