I've Decided to put my fears in words
My surgery is May 14 these are my big fears. I know that they are irrational but I think I will feel better once everyone can see them and reassure me that I am not crazy.
1. That when they start they will find that all my weight is actually a tumor.
2. That I will be one of those people on TV that have felt their entire surgery because they were only given the paralysis meds and not the pain meds.
3. That it will not work and I will not lose weight.
I think that this is all so far. Thanks for letting me vent without judgement.
Hi Lauri,
You are not alone.....here are my fears!
1. That when they open me up they will find something wrong.
2. That I will die on the table (I am 59 years old).
3. That they will drop me on the floor and I will wake up in a body cast.
We all have fears but don't worry......we will both be just fine! When we are thin and feeling great we can party.
Your friend,
These fears will sound kind of funny once we are done. Mine:
1. Blood Clots. (I have no clotting disorders)
2. (and I've heard this before) I will be the one person it will not work on.
Shoot, I didn't even think about them finding something wrong! hmmm
I have decided to (try) not to worry about it. It is a wonderful thing and things will only get better! and better! Good luck to you.
Your post is great! I think we all have a variety of hidden fears. Whenever I have gone for surgery my biggest fears have been:
1.) Crappy comments being made about my fat a*s
2.) That I will say something totally outrageous and embarassing and the Anesthetist will visit me in the recovery room just to make sure I didn't remember (that actually happened to me already! - the guy was cute and I asked one of the recovery room nurses if it was normal for the anesthetist to check back on patients. She said no but heard I had 'spoken' to him while I was out ~ geesh ~)
3.) I'll wet myself because I wake up so cold and somewhat naked (I hate the IV's, I pee too much when I have had them)
The good news is I have always had confidence in my doctors and didn't think about dying. I did worry about being paralyzed when I had back surgery but that was a piece of cake. And, I figure if they ever found anything, I would have to look at it as a good thing I was having the surgery to begin with or nobody would have known!
If you are a spiritual person, place yourself in the energy/hands of the One who gives life and also protects it.
Peace and prayers to you and your OR staff,
Jan K.