Parable of the donkey
I got an email from my buddy Esther about attitude. It remimded me of an email I received several years ago that I thought was appropriate for all of us!!
If we face our problems and respond to them positively, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity . . . the adversities that come along to bury us usually have within them the potential to benefit and bless us! What seemed like something that would bury him, actually blessed him, all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.
Remember that forgiveness, faith, prayer, praise and hope are all excellent ways to "shake it off and step up" out of the wells in which we find ourselves!
Hi Karen,
This morning my daughter-in-law called me and told me that my granddaughter (who I am extremely close to) woke up crying for me in her sleep. Naturally, I thought the worst.....thinking, is that a premonition that something bad is going to happen to me?
Then shortly after that I get that email about the Power of Attitude and deaf frog making it to the top because he couldn't hear all the negative comments.
Is that a sign or what???? I am going to be okay! I can do this.
I love you,
P.S. OH finally put my picture in for me.