Thought For the day!!
Hey Karen,
How are you doing? Are you getting excited? Won't be long now. Only 5 more days until you become a new woman.
I don't think I am going to need any anesthesia because I haven't slept since I got my surgery date so I will probably be asleep before they begin. Man, will I be glad when this is over. My husband will be glad too because I keep asking him if I am doing the right thing and he says, YES, and you will be fine! He is such a sweetheart.
I love you Karen,
Here I go along having just a normal Ho-Hum day and then I get a message from my bud Esther that always makes me laugh!!
You gotta be the greatest!! Bet your hubby is looking forward to the sleep, also!! I am sleeping like a log and as I told Sonya Wed............... I am still not excited, anxious, worried or afraid. I am one of those people that does all that before I make up my mind................. Now, I am just determined to get 'er done!!
I dearly love U!

I wish I could have a HO-HUM day. I am a walking bag of nerves. What is your secret to staying calm? I am Italian.....raised to worry about everything. Also a Taurus, who hates change in routine and man is this ever a change in routine, it's a total life change. Wow....I've come a long way because I am going through with this.
I hope my Father in Heaven isn't mad at me and that he will help me glide through all of this without having a heart attack before I hit the surgery table.
Love you lots,
Didya ever hear that joke about the giy who was in a flood and sitting on top of his house........praying to God to save him??
If so, you will remember that there were 3 separate times when a boat or helicopter came along to save him, but he was determined that God was gonna save him so he told each of them that............ No thanks, God is going to save me...............
Well, he died,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and at the Pearly Gates he asked St Peter why God hadn't saved him after he had prayed so hard for Him to....................
St Peter said, " He sent two boats and a helicopter................... What didya expect??
Well................ I ain't no boat or helicopter, honey,................... but if you think that you found me by chance, think again!!
Just hold on .............. 'cause we're in HIS hands!!
I STILL haven't even looked at a suitcase or anything to pack!! :lol"

You have the greatest outlook on life. I know I am in God's hands and you are here holding my hand for him.
Thank you for being here for me. I will be here for you too. After I get the news on how the surgery went for you I will post it so everyone will know how you are doing.
Together we stand!
Love, Esther