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Topic: RE: Kick Start
The diet that they are suggesting is the Atkins starter diet. I did this many years ago and it was great. You cannot cheat at all and the cravings do go away. I think that this is kind of what the pouch test does for me.
I used to check my urine daily and it is easy to be in ketosis. It is different than ketoacidosis which is what most diabetics are testing for which is a bad thing.
If you are thinking of doing this diet there is a ton of info about the Atkins diet.
Topic: RE: What do you do when...
I use distraction. If I am boiling hungry and I can't talk myself out of it, I distract myself. I don't have a specific distraction but it usually involves someone else as I know that I am trying to trick myself if it is just me.
One thing about this surgery is that I do know that I am not really hungry that it is coming from another place in my body rather than an empty stomach. This information is part of my coping strategy for sure.
Sometimes I have a stern talk with myself (you know better Holly), sometimes I have a nurturing talk with myself (you deserve to be happy/full/etc)... depends on what is going on.
It is good to be nice to ourselves. I watched this program called I can make you thin and the guy had this technique for calming the inner voices that talk us into things. He said to listen to them and then mimic them in a crazy voice. It is hard to take a inner voice seriously when it sounds crazy!
Just know that you are not alone eh?
Topic: RE: Pouch Test - Day One on Monday, April 28, 2008
I got curious and check may 05... read this:
I am slowly realizing that I am suffering from a pretty bad food addiction, I have had much stress and much food to make it go away (not that it worked). I am willing to eat my 2 year old and my dog, and maybe the neighbor's dog too.
laughed until I hurt... Today is day two of A.F. and I am saying step away from the chocolate and no one will get hurt. heehee
Topic: RE: Pouch Test - Day One on Monday, April 28, 2008
thank you... I can usually fix a starvation blood sugar issue with two slices of american cheese, takes about as long to fix my shakes as it takes to eat it. cheese has 0 sugars,
the liquid lactose free milk that has 13 grams of sugar, and the cheerios have 2 g of sugar (22 grams of carbs) and THAT could have been enough to send me into lala land.. yet... I can down chocolate and candy like there is no tomorrow and have no reaction what so ever.
sweetened yogurt sends me spiraling... plain is tolerable.
I need to look more into the fact that at 24 months, it is a hole new ball game. btw.. anyone else getting a terrible little (no so little) muffin belly (looks like the top of a muffin that spills out of the top of the jeans)?
what is up with that? no place else. just my belly!
Topic: What do you do when...
your pouch feels like a bottomless pit? I'm sure it's because my body is craving something, but how do I know what? I've eaten all that I should, suppliment & nutrient wise. Maybe it's because I've been working out - I've now got a bike and went riding firstly with my daughter, then on my own later tonight.
But the reason for working out is to lose weight, so I don't want to eat the calories that I am using up by exercising.
I guess I should go do something else to keep my mind off that fact that it feels my body is crying out for food as I know physically it doesn't need anymore.
Ok, thanks for listening to me.
Topic: RE: My pics
Hey Jean
I had a look, and I couldn't find ANY terrible looking pictures...maybe I was looking in the wrong place
No seriously, I see a beautiful thin woman who is the size I long to be.
That said, I do hope that all is well with your blood work ~ it must be concerning to be losing, and not knowing why. I hope it's just a case of your body still finding where it's comfortable. Please let us know how you get on when you see the doctor in 2 weeks.
Topic: RE: Pouch Test - Day One on Monday, April 28, 2008
Milk is high is sugar, but you might be bouncing back in forth from low blood sugar to high (depending on what you eat that morning or the night before).... one thing I am learning is their can be no rhyme or reason sometimes with this thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: My pics
well, I said I got too small... I am NOT trying to lose any more weight and haven't been for months now... AND I eat all day burgers, fries, pasta.
So I got my nerve up and put my terrible looking pictures up, so you guys can see... Andi nothing to be jealous about... you don't want to look like this...LOL Just took some extensive blood work and have an appointment to see the doctor in 2 weeks.
Topic: RE: Pouch Test - Day One on Monday, April 28, 2008
whine on we'll be joining you on Monday and i'm going to need someone to listen to me as well. ANDI
Topic: RE: Kick Start
our drug store has them, I'm going to have to pick up some serious proteins this weekend so i can start on Monday. I have gained about 5lbs since the bar mitzvah and I want it gone before it invites others to join it! I also find that i'm having some psychological food issues, i'm now eating when i'm not hungry, that's pretty new for me and I want that to stop. I will have to keep a drink handy and see if i can work it differently starting on Monday. I will also put all of my supplements into snack bags so I can grab them in the morning and be out the door. ANDI