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Topic: RE: Exhaustion???? Depression???? Stress????
Hey Kat
I'm sorry to hear what you're having to deal with right now. Did you manage to get second opinions from other doctors, are there any other options they can suggest?
I get so frustrated as a mom that we are put in the position of putting others first - it is inherant of being a Mom I think. But at the end of the day - where is the time for ourselves? You've done the best thing though - imagine going through this before losing all your weight!
You mention tumours - as you have been given the option not to have them surgically removed, I'm presuming they are not malignant? I sure hope they're not.
Please keep us updated - you are in my thoughts. Sending you hugs across the pond to Texas.
Hope you enjoyed those chicken enchiladas - post the recipe then I won't need to google too ;o)
Topic: RE: Attitude Adjustment Do To Diet?
period = carbs
pre period = carbs
I have learned that during pre period I am suckin down carbs like there is no tomorrow
step away from the carbs and no one gets hurt is my husbands matra
Topic: RE: Life expectancy - a little light relief for the weekend
If you continue maintaining healthy habits, you'll want to plan for a maximum life expectancy of 102 years or more.
Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 137 lbs.
this was humorous... my great aunt just died last year, she was 108.. however, she had never been married and never had kids, a lot can be said about the peace in a home with no off spring driving you nuts.
Topic: RE: Exhaustion???? Depression???? Stress????
it all started with a decrease in sex drive, which was strange considering that I am such a young woman of 42 years old. I thought, just Perimenopause. I went to my regular doctor for my annual... she did a pap smear, a EKG, and referred me for a Mammogram and a vaginal ultrasound and they found several chicken egg sized fibroid tumors on my uterus that has caused the intercourse to be painful and that tends to make people decrease the sex drive, if it keeps hurting, DONT repeat is what the body says.
the strange thing is that I do not have long periods, but I do have frequent ones, every two weeks, so I can wait it out, once I am through menopause, the tumors should shrink or I can increase the progesterone levels and hope that the tumors will shrink, or I can have a surgery to try to remove the external tumors (outside of the uterus) or I can have a Hysterectomy and remove the tumors that are growing in the walls of the uterus.
all of which foretell that the next 10 years are not going to be pleasant anyway you slice them.
I have had one progesterone treatment and was so stressed that I made myself ill. my life is extremely hectic right now and I do not feel that taking time out for me is going to be something that I can even contemplate. Dear husband is doing the cooking tonight, while I am sitting here drinking my water.
that being said, I had a dentist appointment for a crown this morning, I got the weeks shopping done, the boys had a chess club end of year award and picnic, followed by swim practice, followed by desperately searching for the library books that are overdue, and the house still looks like an F5 tornado hit.
I did get three loads of laundry done and hung out to dry, my bed made, my bedroom floor vacuumed and a couple more pages done on Erik's Cub Scout Annual Scrapbook. I do however need to google WHITE CHICKEN ENCHILADAS because I am hungry for some. ;)
Topic: RE: today is my 2nd anniversary
((((((((((((heather)))))))))))))))))))) know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and i want photos and details so i can decide if i want to go this route too please. ANDI
fyi my socks LOVE to rock!
Topic: RE: today is my 2nd anniversary
Please keep rockin my socks ! 6 days post op from a tummy tuck , it was rough ! sorry i'll get on again later.
Topic: RE: Exhaustion???? Depression???? Stress????
I am a holistic practitioner and a yoga devotee (when i can get there) give the asian therapies an opportunity the surgery is so permanent. ANDI
Topic: RE: Exhaustion???? Depression???? Stress????
Hi! I asked Ruthy if she heard from you and she lead me here. What is the doctor saying and why the hysterectomy? What is the discussion about hormone replacement therapy, you're a mighty young woman to do without those hormones for long periods. I hope whatever decision you are faced with you know that we will be here behind y ou lifting you when you've fallen or just quietly praying for you. ANDI
Topic: RE: today is my 2nd anniversary
I think of you as my reward for having surgery Ruthy! You and I are in it for the long haul, I don't feel like i'm forgotten on here when i see your postings. Some days it's so quiet in here you wonder if anyone out there still needs support (i do i do i do).
Today is day one (yet again) and i'm determined to get back down to where i was. Boy have we had some fabulous parties lately and I've been using that as an excuse to eat whatever isn't nailed down. Today is my day of reckoning. I'm not sure of what program i'm going to follow but i know i'm going to follow one and see if the carb monster will hush up a bit! You know what's funny, i have no urge to eat fruit what so ever and yet i can't get enough veggies in me...i wonder if i need to lay off some veggies just to reduce the carbs, boy that would make me really sad!
Hugs to you my friend, ANDI
Topic: RE: today is my 2nd anniversary
hugs right back attcha babe. You make me smile when I am sad, pick me up when I am down, and have kept me on this path when I have wanted to chuck it all in.
You have a wicked sense of humour and a way of looking at life and the world that I LOVE. My life is much richer from having you in it.
Keep doing what you do. It's a priviledge to be a May Babe alongside you
Here's to the next two years on this road