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Topic: RE: Calling All Posters/Lurkers/What Nots
results of the CAT scan showed everything was working now I got a referral to a GI doc. to have some testing on my colon. Something is causing my tum tum to spasm so we will see.
Topic: RE: Calling All Posters/Lurkers/What Nots
Are you going camping tomorrow? I'd like to wish you a wonderful vacation, it's no less then you deserve. Remember to do your daily devotionals and to accept what life throws at you with your usual smile and giggle. ANDI ps. i'll be praying the weather holds out for you.
Topic: RE: Calling All Posters/Lurkers/What Nots
any results of the cat scan yet? Do you need a second opinion: golden retriever eyeballing you up and down? How goes the driving with the oldest guy? Isn't it interesting that my 13 year old is pulling that odd hermit thing and he's in a bunk with 11 other boys his age, good luck with that son! Hugs, ANDI
Topic: RE: Calling All Posters/Lurkers/What Nots
That sounds like you are having an awesome time out in Washington! Refresh my memory please, why do you go to Washington State for so long each year? I love the farmers markets up here, I try to go to a different towns each week to see what local stuff they've got going on! Last weekend was the freshest corn i've ever eaten, I ate half an ear and I usually share the other half with my husband who has that and his own ear and this time i wrapped it up for another day it was that good! Be Well and enjoy your vacation, ANDI
Topic: RE: Calling All Posters/Lurkers/What Nots
it is nice and hot and sunny here in Washington State. taking the kids to the swimming pool nearly every day. we have gone to museums and craft days at the park, to the farmers market and to the state historical parks and visitor centers. more of the same for the next 4 weeks.
Topic: RE: I'm doing it!
Alcohol was something I was hoping to be able to begin again after losing weight as I'm alergic to it, but no, I still can't drink it.
Hey Andi, good for you going for your two year follow-up. I'm waiting for an update on how it went......
Topic: RE: I'm doing it!
Heck i miss a martini (extra dirty 3 olives please) and a margarita (frozen) and all the happy times that went with it but really i don't try alcohol because i'm afraid of transfer addiction, it's WAY better that i shop until i have no money then to have a drink and risk it! I have my 2 year appointment with my surgeon today. Should be interesting to see how that goes. ANDI
Topic: RE: I'm doing it!
Thanks guys. I am finishing off day 5 right now. I really did it. Honestly, my pouch does not feel that much different but I do feel more in control and don't want to get off track again...but I miss my glass of wine.
Topic: RE: I'm doing it!
woohooo congratulations you've got alot to be proud of and i'm not talking just about the weight although that's just AWESOME. ANDI
Topic: RE: I'm doing it!
I knew you could do it - when the time was right for you.
Congrats on the being in control - much more important than those 6 pounds...but they are great too!!!!