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Not much happening here...Today, I just have some housework/laundry to do. Also, help my husband put the kitchen back together after a pipe leak a couple weeks ago...later going to friends to play wii...omg, it is such a good workout. We do the sports, boxing especially, I really work up a sweat.
Tomorrow, friends getting together for football...which means bad food and drinks. I will try to be good. I kinda have a "I will start again on Monday" mentality. I know each day is important but...
Anyway, enjoy yourselves.
what are your weekend plans?
For a wonderful change, I have no plans for today (Saturday), so am being lazy for a while.

Following on from that, my thoughts today are on 'excess'. My daughter has an excess of toys and other items in her room. We live in an excessive culture. How much does that excessive culture affect our lifestyle? I know it definitly did pre wls as I ate an excess of food.

But do I have excessive tendancies still?

Food for thought..............
Enjoy your weekend everyone

OK gang, hows it going?
I'm not a great one for buying pre-prepared food and much prefer fresh, but yesterday at the store I found some in sachets like curries and chinese, etc. which just have the protein & sauce and you then ad your own rice, etc. if you want to. Perfect, as I can store them at work in my drawer, and then microwave them when I want without adding the carbs. So very low carbs, and very high protein and low cals. Now I have no excuse for grabbing poor choices and not getting in what I need to. Plus, it helps me eat more mid-day so I don't snack so much and eat so much in the evening.
So my question today is what have you found that helps you on your way, keeps you from stumbling, or puts you back on the right road? It may be something (doesn't need to be food related), that you have used in the past and need to pick up again.
Let us know, so we can share. You never know, what you post might just help someone else and be just what they need.
See you tomorrow, hugs
Hi Guys
so how was your weekend? Mine was stressville city - family problems and then my daughter decided to bite her friend whilst on a play date, aghhhhhhh. We don't know the parents too well either, so very embarrassing. Any suggestions??? She's never done things like this before, very unusual, then this summer this is the third time.
Anyway, my eating hasn't been too bad considering, and I actually lost the 2 lbs that I had put on during my weeks vacation - woohoo!!!!
And today I've cut down my portions and snacks and find that I am full on much less food - the more I eat, the more I can eat,,,,,the less I eat, the less I can eat. Strange, but you'd think I'd have got it by now huh I guess I'll get it eventually.
Am exhausted, so off to bed. See you tomorrow - keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you've been up to!!!!! Plus they are infectious, and spread like wildfire - try it and you'll see.
DON'T let her disappear in the stress of today - you are far too valuable for that and to allow that to happen to you. Put HER first and the rest will all slot into place...

I alwasy think that if I'm going through it then I'm sure that someone else is too! I'm glad that you realise you are NEVER on your own...
Very well put - destructive behaviour. Do I let my daughter get away with destroying her toys? No I get on her case about treating things right. Well, I'm destroying my body and emotions when I dont' eat right so I need to get on my case too and think like an adult and not my inner child who wants everything now with no consequences.
Thanks for your insite
Your post are always so honest and real. I'm having the same issues right now! It's like...I know better then to grab the cookies, I know they will make me sick..etc...but I still do it. I think I need to go back to basics...I have started the ":not even hungry" eating too. I need to get back on track and stop this self destructive behavior...Once again, thanks hun for letting me know...I'm not alone....