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Topic: RE: How I see myself
Thanks Kathryn - I just wish I could take my own advice!!! I did really well last week, then it all went to pot at the weekend. It's been a struggle today getting back to where I should be, but I'll keep trying.
Let me know how you are doing over the next few days...
Let me know how you are doing over the next few days...
Topic: RE: Out of Control!!!!!
You CAN do it!
I have gained weight too- nearly 40 lbs and I am so disgusted with myself that I began the 5 Day Pouch Test. So far so good. I would recommend this program to help you get that feeling of control back. I have a toddler and an 8 year old and its difficult to make yourself a priority when the kids need you so much. So give yourself a break and start from now to make it better. I to am embarressed of my weight gain- but I refuse to remain this way. We did it before we can do it again!!!!
you can do this, and I'm doing it with you!
Best of luck,
I have gained weight too- nearly 40 lbs and I am so disgusted with myself that I began the 5 Day Pouch Test. So far so good. I would recommend this program to help you get that feeling of control back. I have a toddler and an 8 year old and its difficult to make yourself a priority when the kids need you so much. So give yourself a break and start from now to make it better. I to am embarressed of my weight gain- but I refuse to remain this way. We did it before we can do it again!!!!
you can do this, and I'm doing it with you!
Best of luck,

Topic: The 5 Day Pouch Test
Today is Day 2 of the pouch test and I cant believe how well I feel and that Im really sticking with the program. Has anyone else tried this? I bought the book and I love it. I feel more in control the past 2 days than I have in about 8 months. I've really let myself be lazy with food - especially "slider" foods that didnt fill me up but were full of calories. i.e. tortilla chips- you evil, delicious crunchy snack!!!!
I obviously have a problem with discipline. Hopefully I can regain some control and begin my good habits anew. Sheesh, I didnt have this surgery to blow it - although I guess no one does.
not the sharpest tool in the shed,

not the sharpest tool in the shed,

Topic: RE: How I see myself
Belly Dancing sounds like fun - Ive tried zumba and I enjoyed it!

Topic: RE: How I see myself
Thanks Ruth!
I am on the path again - 2 days so far on the 5 day pouch test and I like how Im feeling.
Thank you for the inspirational words- you are WONDERFUL!
I am on the path again - 2 days so far on the 5 day pouch test and I like how Im feeling.
Thank you for the inspirational words- you are WONDERFUL!

Topic: RE: How I see myself
I believe you can do it!
My weight gain is obviously and scary. I can eat waaaayyy tooo much! 2 tacos for me and then Id help myself to a few chips - so bad! Im back on track, as my son says, "keep on keepin on"
I believe you can do it!
My weight gain is obviously and scary. I can eat waaaayyy tooo much! 2 tacos for me and then Id help myself to a few chips - so bad! Im back on track, as my son says, "keep on keepin on"

Topic: RE: Out of Control!!!!!
Hi there
as Andi has said - you are not alone. Actually I think now we need support more than when we first had wls, as it's such a struggle now.
Well done you for reaching goal in the first place. Remember, you've done it once you can do it again.
Let's all stick together - none of us are failures, just struggling with where we are at right now. We can get back in control once more.
What one thing are you going to change, TODAY, to help you?
hugs Ruth
as Andi has said - you are not alone. Actually I think now we need support more than when we first had wls, as it's such a struggle now.
Well done you for reaching goal in the first place. Remember, you've done it once you can do it again.
Let's all stick together - none of us are failures, just struggling with where we are at right now. We can get back in control once more.
What one thing are you going to change, TODAY, to help you?
hugs Ruth
Topic: RE: Out of Control!!!!!
many of us are experiencing weight re-gain! Tell us what we can do to help you the way you need to be helped! Do you want us to post here what we're eating so we're all accountable from now on? Do you want a daily reminder to drink your water and get in your fluids and supplements! You tell us how and I can guarantee that either Ruth or I will join you on here every single day! You're not alone so help us get this board rejuvenated. ANDI
Topic: Out of Control!!!!!
I am so down and out right now. I had this surgery to change my life for the better and I feel like I am not using my tool at all... I feel like a BIG LOOSER. And not in the good weight loss kinda way..
I got down to 135 & surpassed even my OWN expectations of the surgery.. and then the big new**** PREGNANT!!!!
I did great through the pregnancy and only gained 30 pounds... I lost 20 right away and was almost back to myself... SOMEHOW in the last few months I have gained my pregnancy weight BACK and I now weigh in at 163....
I can't blaim anyone but me for this. ME!!! MY HABITS, MY LACK OF EXERCISE, MY GENERAL LAZINESS.
I guess I am just feeling out of control and disgusted with myself. I don't want to gain anymore and want to be that 135 again...
Thanks for listening guys, I just needed to tell someone how I feel.
I got down to 135 & surpassed even my OWN expectations of the surgery.. and then the big new**** PREGNANT!!!!
I did great through the pregnancy and only gained 30 pounds... I lost 20 right away and was almost back to myself... SOMEHOW in the last few months I have gained my pregnancy weight BACK and I now weigh in at 163....
I can't blaim anyone but me for this. ME!!! MY HABITS, MY LACK OF EXERCISE, MY GENERAL LAZINESS.
I guess I am just feeling out of control and disgusted with myself. I don't want to gain anymore and want to be that 135 again...
Thanks for listening guys, I just needed to tell someone how I feel.
Topic: RE: All flubbed up
oh me oh my
so I am trying to get the glucose under control and the freak of it is that I think that the RA is back out of remission. I got up and did the chores around the house, takes about 45 minutes to clean the kitchen, empty and load diswasher, wash down the stove, scrub out the sinks, and wipe down the counters, sort out the recyclables, and wipe down the table, make three beds, pick up dirty laundry, open curtains and blinds, get dressed, make coffee, cook up some eggs, wash out the bathroom sinks (toothpaste monsters) and turn on all the fans. this morning I was ready for a nap after that little bit of picking up. so I sucked down some vits, added in an extra b12 (3K) and reflected on my life.
tomorrow they will perform the U/S to see if they need to do a complete or partial hysterectomy. I am nervous. but not as nervous as worrying about cub scouts today, two sessions tomorrow, next monday, next wednesday and next thursday. worrying about dentist for the family on Tuesday. worrying about my photography sessions (4 in the next 10 days) and worrying about finding a session from May 2007 for a client that is as scattered as I am. this daughter flying to see that daughter at a moments notice, that daughter flying here to see me after surgery. being able to keep up with everything and everyone through the holidays. making sure that I do not bust out of my jeans with extra servings of pecan pie. ;-)
I have a calendar and I think I am going to have to start pruning down my committments before they have me committed. ;-)
so I am trying to get the glucose under control and the freak of it is that I think that the RA is back out of remission. I got up and did the chores around the house, takes about 45 minutes to clean the kitchen, empty and load diswasher, wash down the stove, scrub out the sinks, and wipe down the counters, sort out the recyclables, and wipe down the table, make three beds, pick up dirty laundry, open curtains and blinds, get dressed, make coffee, cook up some eggs, wash out the bathroom sinks (toothpaste monsters) and turn on all the fans. this morning I was ready for a nap after that little bit of picking up. so I sucked down some vits, added in an extra b12 (3K) and reflected on my life.
tomorrow they will perform the U/S to see if they need to do a complete or partial hysterectomy. I am nervous. but not as nervous as worrying about cub scouts today, two sessions tomorrow, next monday, next wednesday and next thursday. worrying about dentist for the family on Tuesday. worrying about my photography sessions (4 in the next 10 days) and worrying about finding a session from May 2007 for a client that is as scattered as I am. this daughter flying to see that daughter at a moments notice, that daughter flying here to see me after surgery. being able to keep up with everything and everyone through the holidays. making sure that I do not bust out of my jeans with extra servings of pecan pie. ;-)
I have a calendar and I think I am going to have to start pruning down my committments before they have me committed. ;-)
Kat Blog [Photographer & Mom of 5] 275/143/202
[[ Some people are like slinkies, they don't really have a purpose,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.]]