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Topic: RE: HAIR!!??
I nearly did that.. I cut off all the old hair and just left all the new hair, that is shoulder length. it is growing painfully slow IMO. PAINFULLY. I am 100% sure is it because I am horrible about taking my vits.
I switched to a wonderful new shampoo that my hair is loving, I got it from TGF haircutters, it has tea tree oil in it. I have tons of curls now but at least they are soft curls
Topic: RE: HAIR!!??
Mine i just the opposite....its so thick now! It was fllint out for a couple months at 6 months or so,which I didn't miss becasue its so thick! What to do??????
I thought about shopping for some hair straightening stuff and try that first.....maybe this weekend?? Let you know how it turned out??!!!
Topic: RE: What Are You Doing?
I thought about a trainer. We have them at work, I was going to check out the prices. I thought if I met with a trainer once, got a workout, and then maybe met with him/her every two weeks...once a month. I don't know. I guess what I am saying is that I am not ready to spend the $40 or so for a session once a week. Hmmm... but if I gave up my Starbucks addiction (which is easily $40 a week) I could afford it.
I saw a magazine yesterday at the pharmacy, caught my eye, a workout for the arms, abs and legs. Need to check it out.
Hubby is better with his blood pressure and stomach ailments. He managed to get something nasty and has been on antibiotics all week. His doctor just prescribed him another regime because the first set didn't really make him much better. The weather here has been terribly cold and wet, resulting in my sinuses getting really aggravated. After fighting it off for a week or so it's developed into a sinus infection. Was at the doctor yesterday getting my prescriptions. But I should feel as good as new by Monday. It's seems like it's always something.
On a good note though, my PCP was looking at my blood work from my surgeon (I always get him copies of everything) and he was just like, "Amazing! Your numbers are so good" He was completely impressed with my overall general health and he even noted I am getting sinus infections at a lower frequency. It's great to know that I am approaching 43 years on this Earth and I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life!!!!!
Have a good weekend!!
Topic: RE: HAIR!!??
My hair is in terrible condition. My hairdresser knows I had major surgery (but not what kind of surgery) and she says it really shows in my hair. I've been trying to grow it, but have been thinkng of cutting it short too! The main problem I have is that it is soooooo thin. The minute I stop taking biotin it starts falling out again. So I keep popping those pills.
Topic: RE: Post stolen from Main Board - Challenge!
Hi Karen
haven't seen you in a while. Have you been to court yet? Doesn't sound like hubbie has a job yet - update us...
Topic: HAIR!!??
Is anybody having trouble with their hair since surgery? I am about to pull a Brittany Spears and shave my head!!! I've always had thick hair and natural curly..Now I have this
going on and it is driving me crazy! I try to straighten it and then it gets all frizzy...I have tried all kinds of hair prooducts but nothing seems to work! My hairdresser suggested a perm??!! How crazy is that? I have it shoulder length,thought about gettin it cut short now since my face isn't so fat and I looked like porky pig...but it will just curl right up!!
anybody else out there with this kind of problem??
Topic: RE: Post stolen from Main Board - Challenge!
Boy I hear ya!! I tell myself that all the time!! I get SO mad at myself.
.I start eating something that I shouldn't and I'm talking out loud to myself!! I need to get rid of the pop in my house for one thing! I have cut myself down to one a day..but thats too much I know what I need to do,but doing it is another thing!!! And snacks....I buy them for the kids but should be buying healthy ones instead!!
Then my hubbys not working and cooking supper everynight...not used to that! I think I need to go to
after supper,too,the nights are killers!! Makes me
Topic: RE: What Are You Doing?
Hi Diane
good for you joining the gym. Are you going to get a personal trainer ro manage on your own?
How is your hubbie now - recovered completely I hope...
Topic: RE: What Are You Doing?
Good for you on the exercise
I did get my gym membership yesterday, so I am a step closer to the treadmill.
As far as eating, I have no tricks. I am like you, too little, no loss, too much, big gain. I hate tracking calories or what I am eating, haven't done it since surgery and don't want to start now, but it might help you find out what works. I do know that if I up the protein and lower the carbs it helps me.
Have a good day!
Topic: Post stolen from Main Board - Challenge!
I read this and thought it was good so thought I'd share it...
Our challenge today is to "STOP"!! See the red light, the caution light, and the stop signs! Stop what? Doing anything that is destructive to you! What are you doing that could harm you? Are you finding yourself falling back in to your old eating habits? Are you sneaking a bit of something here and a taste of something there? Are you not getting in your water, your vitamins or your calcium? THEN STOP RIGHT NOW! Just make up in your mind that you are going to do what you are suppose to do to make this "TOOL" work. I dare you! NO MORE SUGAR! NO MORE SODAS! NO MORE SNEAKING HERE AND THER! Set your mind and just "STOP"! See the stop signs and the caution lights in front of you. We had this surgery to get "thin". To change from the unhealthy people that we saw. To get to a goal that we, along with our Dr. set. Don't blow this wonderful tool that has been placed in your hands! I CHALLENGE YOU to start doing the things you are suppose to do! You CAN do this! You CAN make it work for you! Get back to the basics and STOP old habits!