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I guess I should have said the SEX is great WHEN we can have some time alone!!!!! Especially since now he has went back to driving over the road again!
I was just wondering about the hynosis thing. a friend of ours did it for his smoking,,,,,he says it works. I was just wondering cause I think I have allot of head hunger that U just can't seem to get under control!!
So how was everyones weight this week>>>>???
By my new scale......I lost .6 of a pound~~~ Really on a roll here!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!

What are your plans for the coming week?
I've just dropped my daughter at Brownie camp - she's going to be canoeing, shooting, archerying(!!!???), and probably having midnight feasts on sugar sugar and more sugar from all the candi they all take with them!! I pity the leaders.
Tomorrow I'm selling bags and jewelry at a fair trade market, praying for fine weather!, peace and quiet Sunday before collecting daughter and having a ton of unpacking and laundry to do.
Work on Monday - extremely busy, but it keeps me out of trouble I suppose. Not too happy about the quantity though - planning on having a meeting with my manager to sort it out. Taking my daughter to the opthamology clinic on Thursday.
Plus all the other usual errands and chores we all fit into our lives

Hope your week is more exciting than mine - come on cheer me up with the details....
how has your week been? I've been sick in bed for part of it with a throat infection so didn't eat a thing or move out of bed for three days! Feeling much better now thank goodness.
Here are my numbers - I'm pleased, slow but steady is what I'm after:
Last week: 176lbs
This week: 175lbs
Reality Goal: 154lbs
Dream Goal: 135lbs
It's a loss so I'll take it. Have a great week and see you here next Friday.
What is it with that??????? It's so darn annoying and totally against everything I thought would happen after wls. Sigh..............

Sadly for me at the moment I'm feeling far too

Anyway, I'll be interested to see what other people think on this - especially as my friend is thinking of trying it - she hasn't had wls but is a serial yoyo dieter
2. knowing that it takes 2 cheese sticks to bring my blood sugar from 151 back to 100 in less than 4 minutes
3. discoverying that corn and my pouch = Moonshine (a fermented corn ma**** contains not less than 80% corn and is distilled to 10 proof, or 80% alcohol.) same thing with cauliflower and peaches.
4. shock and awe that I can consume two glazed raised donuts with no effect whatsoever, but 3 tablespoons of cream of wheat send me into a death spiral.
5. noting that I cut my hair in 2006 to shoulder length and it has not grown since.
6. realizing that my bumpy thumb nails are an indicator of my iron defenciency.
7. sucking down coffee like a caffiene addict avoiding a hang over by never sobering up. ;-)
8. LOVE the towel, even tiny Motel 6 ones that reach all the way around
9. Love all the room in an airplane seat.
10. it has been so long since wls, that no one remembers, including my dh, what I looked like, and now the fat ladies at school, give me the EVIL eye and I know it is because I am a size 4 and they are a size 32.
I do not have more energy, I am still as active as before, but I look pretty damn good. ;) how people treat me in my industry is 180 and THAT is important, we do live in a superficial world and so I am extremely glad that I made the change.
Highest; 285
Start 275
Surgery 247
Lowest 143
Current 157
Kat Blog [Photographer & Mom of 5] 275/143/202
[[ Some people are like slinkies, they don't really have a purpose,
but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.]]
I am for trying anything right now!! The weekly weigh in was a really good idea,I thought back then.....hopefully it will help again!!!
Kat sounds like me.....then the husband remark hit home!! I told him one day that I was so depressed about my surgery..said it didn't work for me and he told me (not to be nasty or anything) is all I do is eat!!!!
Well that brought my spirits up!!
A question,,,,,anybody ever been hypnotized for weight loss before????
start weight:277 lowest weight 187 current weight 208
1. Bending over and tying my shoes and being able to without just about passing out!
2. Sitting in a booth comfortably.
3.Walking for a long time without being breathless,,,
4.Having great sex again!!!
5. Eating something and really getting full...(for awhile anyway!)
6.Taking a long bike ride without feeling like I'm gonna die!.
6. Dancing!!
7. Wearing smaller size clothes!!
8. Wearing a bathing suit without being TOO embarrassed!
9.Being smaller than my sisters!!
10. Raising 2 grandchildren ages 3 & 5 .....still tired out at being close to 60....but I can do it!!
11. Taking a bath and being able to GET out of the tub!!
12. Wrapping a towel around me...
13. Getting compliments..from other people..
A whole new life...its better~~~,haven't reached my goal.....not even came close....and have gained weight,,,,but I would do it amd downs!