My Vacation
Hi there
well I survived my week camping - very basic - no electricity, approx 100 people sharing 5 showers and 5 toilets!!! cold water from a stand pipe.
Anyway, I was at a Christian Conference vacation with my family and another family of friends. Lots of teaching seminars to attend or not as the whim took us, daughter was in her club. One of the main speakers - Bill Johnson, mentioned that you would never get Americans camping out like this for a conference - I'd already made the comment to hubbie that Americans would want A/C in the arenas - 5000 people packed closely together, boy it was hot, even when it was cold outside.(me too!!!!). I was soooo glad I'd lost weight, I would never have fit in the seats and woudl have ended up standing at the back the whole time - seriously. I barely fit as it was!
First two days were incredible hot - too hot, then the heavens opened and was raining on and off for the rest of the week. Wasn't too bad, but just had to remember to take rain coats with us where-ever we went.
I was so nervous getting back home and back onto the scales. I was so sure that I had gained, but didn't know by how much. The amazing thing was that when I got back I'd lost 2 pounds!! We had to walk 5 minutes each time to the rest rooms and back and then about a mile there and back to the seminars etc. so I must have walked more that I realised as my eating wasn't good. Plus I think you have smaller portions when you are cooking on a single gas burner!!!!
So I got out my bike today to visit with a friend rather than taking the car, and I'm going to try and keep up the active lifestyle. It was either than or the intense cold on the first two nights, and I shivered myself out of two pounds!!!!! I guess anything is possible
So what are you doing for your vacation?