Hello & New Pics!! Miss ya!!

on 6/15/08 12:27 pm - Grove City, OH
HI everyone! I've been away for a long time. Miss talking to all of you. I just posted my 2 year pics to my profile. I've been busy with the family. Hey Ruth, have you ever heard of the Harlequins rugby team? I met some people from their team. Hugs, Darlene
Ruth A.
on 6/16/08 5:08 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Hi Darlene, good to see you again. Blimey!! You look incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooooooo tiny. WOW. I'm not really into rugby, but have heard of them! Hunky rugby guys...yummmm. What's ben going on with you lately then?
on 6/17/08 4:25 am - Grove City, OH
Thanks for the compliment Ruth! I can certainly eat a lot more & really have to stay away from those sweets that call my name. hahaha I've been keeping busy with the 3 kids, hubby & work. What's new with you babe? Darlene
on 6/16/08 9:13 pm
you look wonderful! Maria
on 6/17/08 4:27 am - Grove City, OH
Thanks Maria! It's so nice to meet ya! Darlene
on 6/17/08 7:11 am - NY
hi honey keep in touch once in a while many of us are still here and still plugging along! You look just fabulous. ANDI
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