Attitude Adjustment Do To Diet?

on 5/7/08 7:21 pm - NY
I have noticed something this go round on "Andi just eats meat" attitude sucks. I'm quite a bit happier when i'm in carb'land, is that my true personality or does the carb fairy just try to make my life better? When you've got no foods to look forward to things are rather bleak aren't they? I'm pre-menstrual this week and things are just not looking rosey and it's making me crabby (more crabby then usual i noticed). How is everyone else doing on this? ANDI
Ruth A.
on 5/7/08 7:43 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
I lack energy with low/no carbs, so that in turn makes me crappy to those around me. It didn't used to be this way - I found carbs made me more tired a while back. So what's changed?
on 5/7/08 8:06 pm - NY
i'm not really sure but i know i have to come home and nap after work now and I never used to have to do that. I get up again around 7:30 but that's all i do i get up a bit confused. I wish i had an answer to this. ANDI
Katherine A.
on 5/20/08 4:40 pm - Klein, TX
period = carbs pre period = carbs I have learned that during pre period I am suckin down carbs like there is no tomorrow step away from the carbs and no one gets hurt is my husbands matra
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