My pics
well, I said I got too small... I am NOT trying to lose any more weight and haven't been for months now... AND I eat all day burgers, fries, pasta.
So I got my nerve up and put my terrible looking pictures up, so you guys can see... Andi nothing to be jealous about... you don't want to look like this...LOL Just took some extensive blood work and have an appointment to see the doctor in 2 weeks.
Hey Jean
I had a look, and I couldn't find ANY terrible looking pictures...maybe I was looking in the wrong place
No seriously, I see a beautiful thin woman who is the size I long to be.
That said, I do hope that all is well with your blood work ~ it must be concerning to be losing, and not knowing why. I hope it's just a case of your body still finding where it's comfortable. Please let us know how you get on when you see the doctor in 2 weeks.
All I could see was a very beautiful woman Ask your Dr about a Threapist and see how that helps. In 2 years I have lost 185 pounds had a TT, Herina repair, stopped smoking, lost my mother and never realized I became scared of just about everything. By losing the weight I had removed all my walls that kept me hidden & safe from the world ( in my little When I started Therapy I felt like a shell of a person now I'm feeling a bit better, I have a long way to go but she has taught me it's one step at a time and to breath...When people ask you if your sick...just so no..are you? Please keep in touch and let me know how your doing.
hugs and good luck
Thanks Maria
It sounds like you have had a very hard time of it, I'm glad you are doing better...
I think I need to just let what others say roll off my back easier, but you know how it is (when you are so happy and then someone makes a comment to you that's nasty ,and it just makes you want to cry)...
and boy do I know about those walls.... it was a safe place being fat... people made fun of you..(me))... but now like Saturday, I got cornered by two men in the parking lot of the grocery store..... (because I had a tank top from Disney) (they wanted to tell me how much they liked it)... (I told them to F---k Off).
like you, the getting strong will take time....and ,I am moving and leaving everyone I know... very scary!
ok my little love buggy i think you look beautiful, i've looked through all 23 of your posted photos and I didn't see a sick anorexic girl i did see a fabulous, hot tamale, sexy mama that i'm a wee tad jealous of but adore with my whole heart....was I looking in the wrong place at the wrong lady? ANDI
Jeannie Beany do you make nasty comments to your husband about his appearance? Somehow just getting to know you on here I don't think you do...could i be wrong, of course i can. I want you to look him in the eye and say in a calm voice, I don't appreciate it when you call me names let's get to the heart of what's bothering you. See what he says or does and get back to me. You can't let what other people think rule your world, it's what Jean thinks and that's got to be in the forefront of your mind. Hugs my friend, ANDI
No I never say anything to him...(and I could)
I told him it hurts and he says sorry, but he does not what me to get any smaller....He says he did not like me fat. (I was fat when I met him)
he likes woman in the middle, and would like to see me back to when I was 125 or 130lbs
He really can not understand why I am so afraid of eating too many things that are bad for me... I explained how hard it was to train myself into eating right and if I re gained it would be very hard to go back....I eat 6 or so small meals a day, but I would rather eat right with protein first, I do eat chips and some bread/pasta/potatoes now... but I would rather stick to healthy eating most of the time...
I told him my body will settle out where it wants to be and that its still trying to figure it out...
Jean you rock and you know you do so don't let anyone tell you that you don't! Can you put your hand up and say this is not up for discussion or difuse it in some other way? I feel that when someone apologizes for saying something hurtful i'm then forced to wonder if they are sorry they said it, sorry that my feelings are hurt by something they find truthful or are just paying me lip service so that i shut can see i have some issues about this right? Hugs, ANDI