Pouch Test - Day One on Monday, April 28, 2008
I got curious and check may 05... read this:
I am slowly realizing that I am suffering from a pretty bad food addiction, I have had much stress and much food to make it go away (not that it worked). I am willing to eat my 2 year old and my dog, and maybe the neighbor's dog too.
laughed until I hurt... Today is day two of A.F. and I am saying step away from the chocolate and no one will get hurt. heehee
thank you... I can usually fix a starvation blood sugar issue with two slices of american cheese, takes about as long to fix my shakes as it takes to eat it. cheese has 0 sugars,
the liquid lactose free milk that has 13 grams of sugar, and the cheerios have 2 g of sugar (22 grams of carbs) and THAT could have been enough to send me into lala land.. yet... I can down chocolate and candy like there is no tomorrow and have no reaction what so ever.
sweetened yogurt sends me spiraling... plain is tolerable.
I need to look more into the fact that at 24 months, it is a hole new ball game. btw.. anyone else getting a terrible little (no so little) muffin belly (looks like the top of a muffin that spills out of the top of the jeans)?
what is up with that? no place else. just my belly!
shar pei
that gave me the giggles.. that is the state and condition of parts of my body.
parts now are completely ballooning out like the michelin man
last night I ate a salad and puked and puked and puked... finally a 1/4 slice of un-chewed egg white came up and whew, what a relief that was. today was better.. pancake, salad, chicken, slice of pizza, more salad, small piece of bread stick, more pancake. very carby, but all treating me well.
I better go drinks some more. think I will make me a nice hot tea and a good movie.
Yep - that's me, a mixture of both those pics
I'm going to see a psychiatrist on Thursday about it - my doctor has referred me to see if I can get plastic surgery if it is affecting me that much - I can't get it under the 'it gives me chronic pain' route!!! I'm a bit apprehensive as to what will be said, etc as never been before and I'm at the place where I want surgery to correct it, not adjust my thinking about it and still have the body shape I've got now, but feel ok about it!!
Sorry you're having such a hard time with the eating lately. Do you think it's something you need to seek medical advice about? Are you losing weight with the food not sitting well? Keep an eye on it, don't let it go on too long.
yesterday was a pretty typical day:
breakfast was waffles that my 8 year old son made from scratch. I had 1 and then an hour later had a second one.
lunch was a protein bar (20 g of protein - 220 calories) and 1/2 and apple with p'butter
dinner was a bbq sandwich, three slices of watermelon, strawberries, blackberries, one slice of cantelope, handful of chips, 1.5 glasses of sweet tea and a small undercooked brownie
throw in some nuts through out the day and some propel and some chocolate covered raisins, and that was my day.
everything stayed down, and my overall gain was fine. sadly, I got on the scale this morning and it is up.
I can attribute that to:
AF just left
I am a chocoholic
I am severely dehydrated
I am a chocoholic
so goal this week... HYDRATE.. CHEW and HYDRATE.
my body has repositioned AGAIN. my breast bones are extremely protrusive but my belly is out there like I was 5 months pg. if I put on pants, I need a size 6 for my waist to fit comfortably, but a size 4 for my but to fit comfortably and seriously I could get a size 2 for my thighs on down. but that belly is killing me. and I am applying the yeast creme to my belly button to get rid of that smell.