What were your goals?
I was reading old posts on my profile and came across this list of the things I wanted out of wls. It got me thinking how far I've come and how much I take for granted now. What were your goals and have you reached/surpassed them?
My reasons for wls (to remind me when I'm struggling later on!)
Diabetes - off all tablets now and never have high sugars
Hyatus Hernia - no symptoms anymore
High Cholesterol - fine now
Back Ache - still, but from the saggy skin!!
Not being able to bend down and still breathe - yep I'm still breathing and doing lots of bending
Skin Problems - MUCH better from improved blood supply
Lack of Energy - MUCH better - still exhausted but better than it was
Unfit - fit
No lap for Millie to sit on - lots of room
Not be hot all the time - I'm mostly cold now!
Be able to bend down and shave my legs! - No longer a jungle down there hehe.
I find this so interesting! I am off all high blood pressure meds, meds for asthma, meds for the hiatal hernia (repaired during surgery, the surgeon saved my life), cholesterol is doing just fine thank you!
I climb the stairs at work for exercise simply because I can and Andi power is WAY quicker then the rickety old elevators. I play with the kids i have fun with them.