PMA - Positive Mental Attitude
We haven't done these in ages and it's about time we did
1. This weekend is my sons' bar mitzvah and although my goal was to be in a single digit size, i did not make it. I am proud to be in a size 10 though, i'm proud that the tailor nipped in the waist on the size 12 and said to buy the correct size next time these outfits are a lot of work....NICE
2. I'm doing well at work and I really enjoy my not so new job. I got up the courage and said no to someone and the world did NOT come crashing down, i wasn't immediately fired and i didn't take a detour straight into hell. I have to do what's right for me sometimes and not what's right for others
3. Spring is finally here and the kids wanted to go run the track, I walked next to them and actually wogged a few steps with them making fun of me the whole time. I said remember when mommy couldn't do this at all and they hushed up pretty quick.
4. After this weekend my time becomes my own and i'm so excited about that. I am going to add in a kickboxing class or three each week simply because that's what i'd enjoy doing.
Thanks Andi, you always seem to post these just when I need them to drag me out of the blues. Yay about being in a size 10 - that's fantastic. Love the comments from the tailor!
1. I have lost 80% of my excess weight and kept that weight off for an extended period of time. The first time I have a) lost that much and b) not gained it all back and more immediately after. I have exceeded the doctors measure of wls beign successful - that being 70-75% of excess weight.
2. I am back to work and so will be resuming my walking/running home again tomorrow. The sun is shining, and even though we've had snow - it has been beautiful.
3. I am being positive about my eating, being accountable and honest. I am planning, and preparing - and WILL make more plans to eat more protein.
4. I can run upstairs
1. I have signed up for a 5k (don't quite know what got into me) Deanna if your out me! Everything hurts.
2. Started bringing my lunch to work again instead of going out everyday.
3. Didn't throw the scale out of the window this morning...come on how can there be a 4lbs difference in the wrong direction in one I decided the darn thing needs new batteries...must be a mechanical malfunction.
Thanks Andi...don't be too proud...yes I've brought it but have not eaten it yet...I am so weak. I look at our lunch hour as an escape...a social event...I always feel the need to get out of the building and somehow let the others tempt me into joining them. I seriously need to work on this!
p.s. No batteries for the scale yet and maybe I won't!!!
Congrats on the bar mitzvah!! You are right about focusing on the positive which is what I am trying to do. I have been hovering between 156-158 for the longest time but the other day I got on the scale and it hit 160!! I am upset with this and truly want to make this my cut off/ final straw, I don't want to go another pound higher. So I am going to try to stick to more protein and less carbs (trust me it definately was the other way around). I am going to Florida to visit my parents for the week and fully intend to at least walk everyday and hopefully do more! I might try kayaking.
The positive thing I have experienced this weekend was that I was in Walmart and came across a pair of size 22 pants, that you used to be my size way back when! I held them up and showed my kids that I used to wear that size, they couldn't belive it and quite frankly neither could I! Those pants were huge, I felt as though I could wrap them around myself once or twice. I never, ever want to see that size in my house again. Hopefully that will be motivation enough!
Good luck with getting yourself back on track.