My First Day to a NEw Me
I was reading Ruths post on reformed body and character
I really like that
How inspiring!!!!
Even though Im not happy with my choices this winter, its now spring and I can reform my habits - once again - for the betterment of my body and life
Can you tell Im trying to be all "zen" about my approach??
hiighest 345
lowest 195
today 211
whew - hard to type those #'s
Good for you Kathryn
Today is always a good time to start over and reform our habits. Now what plans have you made to enable you to make better choices?
I have finally put the Easter candy away out of sight so I don't take a nibble each time I walk past it - as I am finding out that each nibble mounts up! I have also found out thankfully, that my body has changed and no longer likes chocolate (all easter candy here is chocolate!!). I am coming out in infected skin left right and center, and my blood sugar has been all over the place. So it's no more chocolate nibbles for me, and I may put back in at least one protein shake a day - I tend to drop those as soon as my eating goes astray. I also need to get back to exercising - I have been lazy during the Easter break. I'm back at work on Monday, which will help being back into routine.
I am going to force my body to 'reform' to a smaller size!!!
Hi there Kathryn!
I'm so right there with you! My day has been crappy and I just have that "down in the dumps" feeling! Tomorrow is my day to start over. I have a menu planned out for tomorrow and everything! I'm still doing really great with my exercising and running so I need to get back to concentrating on my eating habits. Like Ruth, I tend to nibble on the leftover Easter candy and anything that is left in the cupboards! So I'm doing a major overhaul because no one in my house needs to eat that junk! I also need to be better about taking my vitamins and supplements and getting in extra water, since I exercise so much. I've gained back about 5-7 pounds and it's amazing how quickly those jeans start to feel snug with just a few pounds. I hate that feeling!

I used to feel incredulous when thinner people would say they were feeling bloated, or that their clothes were tighter as they had put on a few pounds as I never felt any different having put on 20 pounds even.
But now, I know exactly what they mean - a few pounds can make all the difference can't they.
Last night I made myself dinner, had my normal portion size...and then went back for a second helping!!!!!!!!!!!
I have NOT done that since wls - what was I thinking. I took 2 bites, then realised and put the plate away - I can't believe that I did it. Amazing how these things creep back in without us realising. I'm so glad I caught myself, stopped myself and realised hwo stupid it was to eat more just because it tasted good. I put it in the fridge and told myself I could have it the next day - mindyou, I probably wont now as I don't really like left overs - but if I'm that desperate, it's there and it's a one portion size now.
Sigh, it's goig to be an on-going battle for life for me.
Hi Kathryn welcome back to "on track" it's the place you were before you found the carbs again. We're waiting for you and we'll walk this path with you if and when you need us to. I'm starting back on the path to righteousness tomorrow as i've got a huge shin dig tonight and I'm not sure i want to eat healthy.
What will you do tomorrow to start you on the road to recovery? Here is what i'm going to do: today i'm going to get my fluids in, i've been quite remiss about that and it's starting to show, i'm dehydrating and I feel my thought process starting to go downhill so today that's what i've got on my agenda.
1. I'm going to make up snack baggies with all my supplements for the week and I'm going to label them so that I know i've taken that days pills
2. I'm going to get in all of my water/fluids so that my skin will rehydrate and I'll stop looking like a sunk in alien
3. I'm going to bring my breakfast/lunch to work with me and two snacks to boot, when the food isn't in the bag it's either time to go home or time to drink more fluids
4. I started marinating tomorrow nights dinner (chicken with fat free italian dressing) i'm going to roast some broccoli (favorite of mine) and the kids can have corn/rice/pasta it doesn't matter because i'm not having it.
This mornings weight: 143.5
goal for next Saturday 142.5 (i'll take less but we'll see what the week brings)
tell me what you'll do to make you a success?