5 months away - Oh No!
I cant believe I haven't posted or lurked even on this board in over 5 months. I got so busy living life....ignoring myself.... and in the process - forgetting my goals and limitations and now Ive put on 12 lbs. STOP!!!
Flame Me
Shame me
I deserve it and I should know better too
Kathryn M :-l
Hi Deanna,
Its GREAT tol be back. I completely forgot how good it feels to discuss with other people whove gone through this what it feels like to struggle. I have missed everyone on this board and plan to post daily again!
I have been working - which really was the beginnning of my lazy attitude toward healthy lifestyle. Sitting behind a desk didnt do me any favors. Im working from home now on a few creative projects and caring for my nearly 3 year old daughter Emily and trying to refocus on myself. I am loving being home, back on the OH message board and in soon in my backyeard garden
Have a great sunny day
Hey Kathryn
good to see you again. It's only 12lbs - you realised in time to do something positive about it. You coudl have left it until it was 120lbs - then would be a time to worry. You've done it before, you can do it again. Get back to basics - stay away from grazing and you'll get those off in no time.
Glad to hear that you have been enjoying life- that's what wls is all about..
Be good to see you around more now you are back

I cant remember how to reply to everyone its been so long
Thanks Ladiees for welcoming me back-its good to be back and geting on track with my weight.
I guess I thought I could be a normal person
HA!!!!! I should have known better
Todays if the 1st warm day so Im gonna start get moving!
I cant believe how much I misswed it here
How is everyone????
Hi Pookie! Welcome back we've been waiting for you, perhaps you'll be the catalyst that jump starts this board. On Monday i'm starting back in the "clip club" you'll need to ask Ruthy what that is because she's in charge of it but we need to have a renewed sense of purpose and get to goal. I'm only partly into it as i'm one week out on my sons bar mitzvah and i feel like i'mgoing to have a stroke some days. Hugs and welcome back. aNDI
Hey Andi
I'm not responsible enough to be 'in charge' of anything!!! hehe
I certainly need this board right now - so I hope others join me. I can hardly believe it's nearly two years since wls, and I'm not done yet. However long it takes, I'm going to be here.
Any other snailoritas still need this board?????