Need some advice from the older Mayers pleaze.!!
Hello 2006 Mayers,
My Name is Krissy and i am a May 2,2007 Rny and i really need some advice from someone who is older in this journey than i my highest weight is 281 11 months later
eight is 207 that is only a 73lb weight loss what is wrong with me!!! although i am happy with 73lbs why can't i be like all of the sucess stories that i read. I actually eat a total of 1300 to 1400 calories a day get in 60-80 grams of protein occasionally get all my water in about 48 ounces a day on average... excersise no i don;t not on a consitant base due to knee problems please someone feel my pain.........
Hi Krissy!
OH HOW I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! My highest weight was 277 and I am only down to 193....and I have been out since May of 2006!!
I know how you feel...I keep telling my husband that my surgery didn't work! I don't dump on anything and I can eat anything! I am 58 years old now and I don't exercise either-----probably allot of my problems! But I am like you I had knee problems before I had surgery. I find I am falling back into emotional eating,allot of stress in my life,too!
Now my husband had it done 4 years ago and hes doing great! He weighed almost 400 pounds and down to 194...but he also got sick a few times! He had c-dip,his pouch wasn't he has an ulcer and a hernia!! So I guess I should be thankful I didn't have any problems through all this!!
Theres allot of people on this board that can tell you what to do to get your weight just have to want to do it!! They have the 5 day pouch test...I can't even get myself to try that!!!
I'm also happy with the weight I lost,too...but I feel like a failure,after reading all those sucess stories!! My husband used to tell me that allot of those people could be making up those stories too.....probably just to make me feel better!!
Hang in they told me...its a tool and you have to learn how to use it....

I have no magic wand or special formula to help you lose more weight.
You know what, I have been struggling to lose for the past year - I have lost almost 100 pounds, from a starting weight of 266, but I just cannot get any more to shift. I am trying to reach my amended goal of a normla bmi at 154 pounds. I would love to be skinny and be 135 pounds, but that aint gonna happen anytime soon.
It is so frustrating, but I find comments that tell you, just do this or just do that are VERY unhelpful. It is my opinion that our bodies are all different. We all have different histories and as such a 'method' that works for one will not work for another. I believe our histories influences how our bodies lose (or not) weight.
Whilst it can be encouraging to read all about those that reached 'skinny' in a year, it can also be unhelpful as we measure ourselves against these people.
What we (and I include myself in this) need to do is value ourselves and our accomplishments as they really are - how we would measure a friends accomplishment. We have done a wonderful job, no matter that we haven't reached the perfection that we held in our heads before we started this journey.
As I said, I don't have any answers, but I do know that you are not alone. Keep working at it, dont' give up, even if you don't lose any more weight, you will be very successful at maintaining.
I had many criticize my route, but it was effective.
lean meats and leafy green vegetables and nothing else.
I consumed 225 calories a day the first 3 months, and 450 calories a day the second three months, and even now, I am at about 1000 - 1200 calories a day.
I still find that the key is seriously the water, the less I drink the more I retain. I do not exercise, so I do portion control and content monitoring.
Klein, Texas
This is my opinion but I feel that 1300-1400 calories a day is high for someone just one year out, maybe you need to tweak your diet a bit or look at your non-exercise plan! You are a success no one guaranteed you'd get to your goal or the doctors goal, it's all a crap shoot and truth be told you're WAY not drinking enough water to flush out all that protein from your system. I was told to get in a bare minimum of 64 ounces a day but to aim for 100 ounces per day of diet/decaf fluids so that you flush the fat!
Sweets we all feel your pain! You can exercise in the water to alleviate knee pain or you can do pilates or yoga so get out there and do your thing. ANDI
I completely can relate
I bgan at 341 and I now am at 211 - my lowest being `195 and just this winter I put on some weight - so Im back here for support and a renewed commitment to myself. I agree with Ruth and that we are all different and no 1 thing will work for us all. Take it day to day - thats what Im trying to do. And support others if I can. WE are all successes!!!!!!!
Keep the faith