I just wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy Easter
Happy Easter to everyone.
Sorry I have not been around much...my life is so busy now. I am now back to work after not working for the past 6 yrs. I never thought the day would come that I would be able to go back to work again. Plus I am still doing my things with the American Legion Auxiliary and also working another job for a DJ business as the Customer Relations and Booking Manager. So my life is very full.
So many things have changed over the past 2 yrs its hard sometimes to imagine life as it used to be. My weight has sort of leveled out at 155 and I am completely happy at this weight. If I ever get my tummy tuck done I know that my weight will be below 150 so I am cool with that.
Still having difficulties dealing with the attention from men. I do have a gentleman friend and am completely happy with him. Nothing to serious though...not yet.
I hope you all are getting happy with the skin you are in! Yes we have some imperfecions with the extra skin issue....but look back at how we all used to look. I will deal with the extra skin. I will never go back to where I was..... EVER! We all know its a process we go thru....it takes time to adjust to the new bodies we have. Just let it happen. I still have times when I think of myself as the old me but those times are getting fewer and fewer and they will for you too!
Hang in there everyone.....relax and take time to enjoy the journey.
I miss you all and will try to come around as often as I can.
Take care everyone.
WOOHOOO on the gentleman friend you make sure he's worthy of such a fine woman though! It does take time to adjust to these new bodies I had a huge issue just last week and I felt just like i was in high school again and NOT in a good way! Please try to check in at least once a week so i know you're doing ok, I miss you. ANDI
Happy Easter to all, whether you celebrate it or not, I wish you many blessings.
I'm still here, plugging along, trying to reach my goal of normal bmi. I've been stiuck at the same weight now for almost a year!! But I am determined that I WILL reach normal at some point in my life!
Skin issues weighing me down lately and I'm going to see my doctor in the Easer break to talk about PS and re lab work to see why my body is feeling so crappy!
Step away from the holiday candy everyone
hugs fellow maybies
mmmm candy malt eggs GOOD! i'm embarrassed to admit that my new obsession is roasted garbanzo beans, my G*D they are addicting to me! I make sure to take them as my points so i don't screw this up too badly. The kids are having a friends sleep over so I just did a large egg hunt and found the first crocus's of spring, they are so beautiful and a gorgeus deep purple! I also got a chance to realize that my snow bells came in already and they are just exquisite, I'm so busy doing what I'm doing that I don't get a chance to just hang out in my own yard and see what's going on. ANDI
Now I've got to put this into perspective and think of ALL the chocolate I ate pre wls at Easter, and considering that I've eaten a miniscule amount, but boy has it made me feel yucky!! A few mouthfuls of chocolate and I feel bloated, full to capacity and as if I need to sit on the potty for at least a week (sorry tmi!!! :-0) That plus a larger than usual portion fo roast lamb - my favorite, with roast veg, and for tea a sliver of tart au citroen (lemon tart!!).
I've got 2 huge chocolate eggs that i've not yet touched, who knows when/if I'll get to eat them before next Easter. Think I might give them away, but don't want to offend hubbie and daughter.
Hope you have done better than me today. I may be on fluids tomorrow - oops no I've just remembered that we are seeing family and having an egg hunt, to go with the cup cakes that daughter has been decorating today! Note to self - no emotional eating casued by family stress...
Hi everyone!
Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter. I get on here everyday,too,but I think everyone is so busy with their new lives right now! I remember when I first got on here and they were doing the Friday weigh in! Everyone was so happy when they got under that 200 mark!!
So how IS everyone doing with their goals and loss>? Mine kinda sucks right now......so bummed! Is there anyone that has gained or hardly lost any weight???? I guess I can blame it on stress or because I have 2 small kids now and get a good meal every night!! My hubbys still not back to work and loves to cook,but complains hes getting fat~!!! He weghed alsost 400 pounds when he had his surgery,now he complains cause he weighs 194!!!! I have been struggling to stay under 200!!! It scares me at times! I keep changing batteries in the scales (I have 2) even!!!! I have been going to try the 5 day test,something always comes up,my exercise is bad,the weather here is bad........I can still eat anything and not get sick or anything!! I so need to take control of my life!!!!!
Guess thats why I don't write often,others are doing so well!!!!
Guess thats enough of my pity party!!! Have a good day!

Hey Karen
I'm here every day. Im still struggling too. I'm not one of those *****ached skinny in a year, BUT we are still a sucess!! We are no longer the weight we were before we started this journey.
I am still a snailorita - one who has been on a standstill for longer than she'd like to be. But I am still working at it, I WILL NOT GIVE UP until I at least reach a normla bmi. I WILL NOT allow the chains of overweight/obesity stay on me for the rest of my life.
It's a battle, one that I don't feel I am winning, but I WILL WIN THE WAR!!!