Are you a reformed character?
Something to think about when you are feeling fed up about your weight loss...
Are you a reformed character? YES YOU ARE!!! Even when you make poor choices or feel like you will never change that habit for carbs/sugars/etc whatever your junk of choice is.
Because you have TOTALLY REFORMED YOUR BODY. Think about it. Your body is a totally different shape to what it was almost two years ago - you have re-formed it. You are a re-formed character.
Now doesn't that give you the incentive to continue reforming your eating/exercise habits? I hope so.
You always seem to find the right words to say to lift me up! I am reformed!!
I've tried to make some little changes in the right direction for the family. My son likes to snack (they have them at school) so over the last few weeks, I've been looking for healthy snacks. He likes fruit, so that's easy, but it doesn't last long in the refrigerator before going bad. He likes dried cranberries, so I keep some of those on hand. I've added nuts to his snacks, he loves pistachios. This week I bought one of the trail mixes and tried the 90 cal rice cakes with chocolate striping on them. So now when he wants cookies I'm giving him rice cakes!! And what is a bonus, if I don't bring cookies into the house for my son..... I am not tempted to eat them!!
We've even become more active as a family. Yesterday we went bike riding. We were moving slow, my son is little, but nonetheless we were all active together. And this Friday we are going to the Dallas Zoo!! An activity I most likely would have not done two years ago as I would have been walking around there huffing and puffing and sweating.
They are some great changes to make for the whole family. I remember Dallas zoo - have fun. It has a very steep slope to walk up (the kids section is halfway up it if I remember right!), which used to get me hot and bothered and huffing and puffing. I'm sure you will be skiping up it this time
My daughter likes dried apricots, she also LOVES apple chunks with peanut butter on. Rice cakes - great idea that I'm going to steal hehe...
I find that I have a muffin top billowing out over my belt on my pants and think. this is so much better than it was two years ago.
the scales have inched up nearly 10 lbs from when I was hysterically freaking out that I was never going to stop losing, this is so much better than it was a year ago.
I am not taking any medication for any previous ailments, this is so much better than the last 20 years.
my body will go into a sugar coma if I over indulge, I am still able to get cues from my body, and that is much better than I imagined.
head hunger sucks... and that is what I am sure is sabotaging my currently. I find that I am HOOVERING pillow mints or trail mix and I truly have to fight myself to just stop and back away from the food.
I ran into a 'friend' in the store yesterday, she totally didn't recognize me, and I didn't bother to say hi, what was the point, if she had been a friend, she wouldn't have missed out on the last two years and the change wouldn't have been so drastic that she didn't recognize me.
the part that has not changed and kept up with 'me' is my head. I still do not believe 'in me' yet, I am still very critical of my self and my abilities and my future. there are times that I really do not feel confident in getting a certain size, that there is no wiggle room in should I gain another 5 lbs.
reformed? yes. complete? no.