I need menu ideas
I am still paranoid about stretching my pouch, so I keep it small and light. I eat two lunches.. about 3 hours apart, so yes, one
egg or one cheese stick, both by the end of the day.
I eat just under 1K calories a day.
9 am
1/2 cup cream of wheat
1 oz (1/2 slice) spiral ham
1/2 pot of coffee
12 pm
1 hard boiled egg
4 vitamins
3 pm
1 cheese stick
1 bottle of propel
6 pm
3 oz bison steak with grilled onions
9 pm
2 tablespoon peas
7 oz milk
12 am
1/2 cup bread pudding
2 Tb homemade ice cream
7 oz water
some days I am not too good on head hunger, and I will
nibble on werther's orginal coffee flavored drops
Well Kat, you are obviously doing ok on it, so I'm not going to knock it! I may just try and follow your example and maybe I'll get my body moving downwards again! At this point I'll try anything, as I haven't changed what I do but my body isn't responding like it used to (albeit slowly!).
Thanks, Ruth
24 hour diet recall:
this morning:
Oatmeal (1 packet plain, 1 packet maple syrup and brown sugar, cooked and split in half with 6 year old son)
6 after dinner mints
last night:
two p'butter chocolate chip cookies
1 soft flour tortilla
1 leaf of romaine lettuce
1 tsp sour cream
1 table spoon hamburger
1 table spoon grilled onions/bell peppers
1/2 banana
3 heaping tablespoons potato salad
made from potatoes
mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, sugar, paparika
2 oz baked spiral cut ham
1 hard boiled egg
buttload of mints throughout the day