Cindy reminded us in another post that the average weight loss after wls is 60-70% (I think around that anyway - someone can correct me if I'm wrong).
If we lose more than this we are considered over achievers. Well I calculated mine and it really cheered me up as I am classed as an over achieverat 80%
I have been thinking of myself as a failure for not reaching my goal, but hey, in this instance I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong
So what %age of excess weight have you lost? Are you an over achiever?

Carla you have done fantastic, your body has found the weight it is happy at - you seem to have sorted out the maintenance, and are holding steady - good for you
Doctors can give us an idea of what to aim for but at the end of the day, sometimes our bodies need to be slightly different from everyone else. As long as you are healthy (in body, mind and spirit) that is what is important