late start to 5 day plan :help:
Hi all,
I've been away for a while due to some significant health problems due to medication adjustments post-bypass. Some meds seem to pass right through and others go straight to my brain and intoxicate me to the point where I'm totally disinhibited about what I eat. I've had difficulty working at all, and since I have a demanding job, this has been a nightmare. I've been basically bedridden for months and working from bed, which has not allowed me to exercise regularly and thus I've regained some weight. I feel very depressed about this.
Anyhoo...I'm just returning to the message board. I'm going to try the 5 day plan. Did it work for any of you?
Much encouragement appreciated!!!!!!
Good to see you again Heather, sorry to hear you've been unwell again. Guess they are still trying to figure out your meds for you?
yes, it worked for me. I lost 5 pounds on it, and although when I returned to 'normal eating I gained 2 back on, my appitite has been vastly reduced and my pouch definitely can only fit in much less, and as of this morning I've dropped pounds again, so have lost the 2lbs I gained back and lost 3 more
Although I still crave carbs just as much it has helped me make better choices to snack on this week.
Just one warning though - it did make me feel extremely tired and one night i went to bed at 8.30pm and slept solid til 9am the next day. Day 3 I felt very rough, but day 4 & 5 felt fantastic and full of energy.
Next time I think I@ll just do 2 days of clear fluids and protein shakes
Hey Heather! I'm going to be starting the (5) day plan again this week I just need to go get myself some serious protein drinks. I find the Syntrax ones keep me fuller longer and the AchievOne runs through me like it had track shoes on, probably tmi but it's out there now! You tell me when you want to start and I'll be y our buddy if that works for you. Hugs, ANDI