5 day plan next installment!
Hi everyone
how are we all doing? I'm on day two of fluids and doing well. I'm an all or nothing person (a true addict - one bite and I'm gone) so thiese days are suiting me as I know NOTHING must go in my mouth unless it's a liquid. I'm not looking forward to introducing food as that's when I'm on a slippery slope but I'm going to do my best.
I got on the scales this morning and had dropped 2 pounds and just now (midday) and have dropped another one.
Mindyou, I wonder how much is water?
Come on, we can do this, only 2 more days for Bobbie, 3 for me & Andi (AKA Piddles
) - who else is on this ride and what day are you one?

Yay Ruth! That is great about the 3 lbs
I know I keep thinking it's all water too, but it's helping me get back on track so it's all good! I was down 1 more pound this morning...and that one puts me at having lost exactly half of me!!! Which I find pretty darn exciting!
I am an all or nothing person too (which I'm sure is what is got us into this mess to start out with
) and I was really worried to eat anything yesterday. It turned out ok though...phew! I decided to keep the shakes going for my snacks in between meals, so I wouldn't be as tempted with those stupid carbs. Today, I think I'll make some ground turkey taco meat for dinner, not sure about lunch yet...
You are so right, we CAN do this! We are all doing great! Can't wait to hear from Andi too!! Go us!