I need cheering up!
I'm really fed up at the moment - there is a lot going on in my life causing stress at the moment (as I know there is for others of you too) and I have reverted, well almost, back to my old habits. Not as bad, as I used to hit the calories big time, but I'm not focussing on my food intake ensuring I make the right choices even if I'm not over eating like I used to.
I need to get my butt into gear and get back to basics. I'm fed up that I've been stuck at my present weight for weeks now, going around the same few pounds, up and down. Part of it is me not eating right at times, and I also seem to be stuck on a plateu (which came first - the chicken or the egg??? plateu causing me to eat wrong or wrong eating causing plateu???)
When I think back to how major this surgery was, I don't want to waste it. I don't want to blow this opportunity that I have. I've done really well and people now don't see me as 'fat'. But I'm still overweight and want to at least get to a normal bmi before I give up losing. In my head I'd like to get a lot further than that!
On the eating front I'm on the upturn from this funk, thank goodness. I just need to find a way to deal with the other stress in my life at the moment.
Anyway, I'm not looking for answers or anything I just needed to off load. Thanks for listening - you are all great friends.

((((((RUTH)))))) Big hugs to you!!
I just want you to know you are not alone!! I too have alot that is causing stress in my life and it has been going on for the last 4 months!!! Every time I think I see an end to the stress something else happens!!! It is so easy to let those old habits back in the door or to develop new bad habits!! I had been eating Ritz whole wheat crackers with my cheese sticks & tuna but had always limited myself to the serving size (5) the other day I noticed I had over the period of the day eaten the whole sleeve of crackers
!! The good thing is you are recognizing it and you are not over eating like you use to!! But now comes the hard part we have to correct the actions we are taking!!I am tackling one bad habit at at time. For me I refuse to buy anymore crackers-I am on day 3 (no crackers) but it sure is hard!! Go back to basics-eliminate what you know is bad in your home! Go back to the exercise class you tried (and you enjoyed) if all else fails try the plateau diet!!! You can do this!!! As far as the stress goes-read that book, take a bubble bath do something relaxing for you for at least an hour and allow no other thoughts to enter your mind!! I am sure Andi or Carla will have some good suggestions!!! Just hang in there!!

Ruthie.. i am so sorry to hear you are still having problems. I hope that things work out soon. It seems with life if it aint one thing its another. I too have had some crazy stuff going on at home as well and would just like to scream. It's hard not seeing the scale move either, I can only give you a big hug and tell you that it will come.. just be patient. There is nothing anyone can do to right your ship for you but you, but I can send you all the hugs and kisses with my all my prayers to make this time end soon. Know that we care and that we are there for you. just take a deep breath and remember.. you are ok. remember the positives that you have accomplished and draw strenght from those. I heart and luv goes out to you my friend.. take care..
Hi there Ruth -
It looks like you are feeling better by now, but I wanted to respond to your posting. I've been dealing with a lot of stress the last few months, which led me to stop thinking about surgery-related stuff or food-related stuff, which led me to stop reading the boards and stop entering my daily eating into fitday. I have now gained 20 pounds back from my goal weight. So, I'm basically where I was in October/November, and am back in the "overweight" BMI range.
I'm trying to turn this around, but its hard. So, you should pat yourself on the back for paying attention to your mood and what's going on, and staying with the message boards, and facing the scale and food log even when you think it might not be good. Those behaviors are precisely what are going to help you get through this.
I'm going to try to stay involved in the message board again. Not being on the board is like not weighing in or not tracking food intake. You guys (and you in particular) are very supportive and it is so helpful.
Take care,
Thanks Heather for your reply and your honesty.
What you say is exactly right - this board is like getting on the scales for me, keeping me in check even when I know things seem to be spiralling out of control in other areas of my life. Without this board, I know at times I would have chucked it all in and gained back a load of weight.
Just last night my hubbie asked if I still needed to keep coming onto my 'fat friends' web site, as he calls it. It made me think why I still come on - I have good friendships here, accountability and support in a way that I could get from no where else.
Great friends and co-dieters who know what I'm going through.
Welcome back

Thanks Ruth -
Also tll your hubbie that your postings help others besides yourself (more than you know).
He also might want to consider that considering the weight lost on this group (and the photos I see!) he might want to retitle his nickname for the site
I hope that things with your daughter are going better. Feel free to email me offsite (I never remember to check the email on this site) at [email protected].
Take care Ruth,