Is anyone thinking about plastic surgery yet?
Thought about it???
Oh yeh, every time I look in the mirror at all my saggy skin.
Doing anything about it???
Not yet, not til I get to goal. I don't want a tt and then go and lose more and get more saggy skin. There's this show on TV that is a make over and specializes in people who have lost loads of weight - it's called bikini special. I was hoping to apply for this summer, but guess it will have to be next summer now. Otherwise, these's no way I can afford it. I only just managed to afford wls self pay.
Good to meet you
Keep posting

Hey Suzy,
I feel you on the saggy skin, it bothered me everime I looked at myself. When I went for my 1 year check up, I asked my surgeon when I could have plastics. I thought he was going to say wait 2 years out, but he said I could have it now if I wanted. I am to my surgery goal and he did not want me losing anymore. So I met with a surgeon and had a breast Lift w/ Augmentation & a Trunk Lipectomy (circumfrential body lift) last month. He removed 10 lbs of skin and I have a flat stomach. I have never in my life had a flat stomach, and it amazes me that I do now. I wanted to have my arms done, but he said I would have to talk him into it and once I found out the price (around $5000), I decided that my arms did not bother me that bad.
The recovery was okay, they kept me knocked out most of the time. I guess that the breast implants hurt the most, if I move my arm a certain way it still hurts. The only bad thing was I got a bad infection where the drainage tube came out and the doc had to cut open a place to let the infection drain, it is still open and is having to be packed.
It is good that you are having yours done in two surgeries. I now really want a thigh lift, maybe with my tax return!!! Good luck with your surgeries.
thank you everyone for responding. I went and had my first consultation yesterday. I don't think I like the guy. I want to get my arms and legs done first. I can hide my belly and butt with good underware. but my arms get noticed. I was at a gas station and the guy asked why my arms were like that. Weird I know but true. I might be looking in all the wrong places, but there really isn't alot about plastic surgery and peoples experices with it on here. I thought plastic surgery was what I was going to be doing this year, but my husband asked me again (like for the 100th time) to have another baby with him first. Ohh did I mention that we already have 5 living children and one who passed away almost 2 years ago? So I am now leaving for a 3 week vacation, and when I return I am going to make an apt with an In Vetro specailist to see if it is even possible for a 40 year old women with a tuballigation and the gastric bypass to even be a canidate for in vetro. I will keep you all posted. If I do the plastic surgery, I will try to keep a blog, cuz I know I would have enjoyed reading someone elses this week.
Have a look at the plastic surgery message board - there are loads of pictures of before and after and lots of people posting both before and after ps. May be of some help
How rude of that guy to comment on your arms - I just can't believe some people. Let us know your decision on having another baby and all the other decisions in your life at the moment. I'd like to get to know you better