Supporting each other
Whether our paths remain in the same place or not, remember we are all here for support. Supporting those now matter the place they are is what it is all about. It opens communication to support you in your place in the journey. Whether you can run one or ten miles, support what we each do. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small or where in the journey you are. That is true support. We are all here for the same thing and treasure each and every person who has made the journey before or after us. We are the ones who truly understand this journey. Let's not forget that someday we may be in their shoes looking for that answer and support.
Carla 8-13-2007
We are all here to give and get support, but isn't it a two way street? Everyone needs their own level of support, some need more then others. Part of supporting someone is helping them to get comfortable with their own new reality. We can't rely on everyone to fluff us up when we need it we need to be our own best fluffers. There comes a time when we need to take off the training wheels and embrace life and just keep on peddling. Perhaps we need to reevaluate what constitutes support, at what point does it become enabling? Just some things to think about. Hugs, ANDI
support is something within each of us. I am here to support and be supported myself as well. Yes some need more support than others while some dont want any at all.. it is individualized to the individual. I do know it is not for me to judge how to support someone. If I feel it is unnessary or for what ever belief I hold to not support that person post I will not say anything. it is one thing to support and another to give unwanted slams that only hurt those who may already have a fragile psychie.
I myself have always gave to props and responded to people for all their wows, fears and concerns. I know that i have received them as well. but occassionally I see non support and just want you all to know that it doesnt matter what we think about the person personally as far as their needs.. its their needs and they need us.. support them just because we can.. if you take the time to post something it is terrible to not be acknowledged for your feelings. I remember even proping someone because they could see their belly button once.. so what really is too much.. i didnt think it was all.. oh and dont forget the prop for being able to see your youhoo... we all hold things special to us for some reason and i for one am not gonna judge their reasons or needs but be there for them whether they are ahead of me in this journey or following behind..
I am proud of each and everyone of you for all you accomplished.. there is no doubt about that.
Support is different things to different people; so are slams. I am not easily offended so what you may consider a slam I might shrug off. What is it that to you constitutes support? There is a fine line between support and being co-dependent. Some of what you call "slams" are really not.
Perhaps what you think are slams are really support in another form, who's to say which is the right way to support someone?
This may be the one thing you and I don't agree on, i'm fine with that if you are.
i agree totally.. when on a board like this every personality is different. thats why some people dear friends and others hate each other... we are all here because of common cause.. our wls.. will we all understand each other.. no.. do we all care.. yes. should we take everything said on here with a grain of salt.. of course. I just wanted to put it out there as food for thought... thats what it was intended for
and i still luv you
i love you too cookie puss, have a great night i need to continue doing the loads of laundry that have accummulated from the kids being gone for almost (8) weeks, sure they had laundry at camp but everything smells like a dead rodent from the side of the road, it's pretty (read into that: horrific, yucky smelling like the ass of a decaying yac) gross but they had such a wonderful time and If i get done tonight tomorrow we get to go swimming WOOHOOO ANDI
I agree with both you, we are here for support of each other and to help with redirecting when someone has gone the wrong direction.. that in itself is support. I think this group is better than some of the others with support.... we have a small group of us that are close and I personally really do care about this group weather I agree all the time or not.