Carla, Jean, Deanna, Ruth....
Thanks Jean! Nice to see you too!!! I hope one day to get an updated avatar! Then you all can really see me! I have finally started to see it myself and I am just amazed! but I have an ancient computer & still stuck with the old 35 mm camera. My friend did my original picture and we both have just been too busy to get together for her to take another updated one!!(maybe soon) Missy
Hey Sweetie! Thanks for asking!! Well to make a long story short:
Early March-found out I have an incisional hernia (need surgery to fix)
Late March -my hubby's aunt passed away (very close knit family)
Early April-3rd- We had a tornado hit our home & our 4 car detached gargage was leveled. Fight w/insurance company took 7 wks & 1 lawyer later we recieved payment.
Late April- My uncle died-( I had alot of emotional issues after this)
In May-finally settle with insurance company- took a new position at work-alot to learn.
In June My son (he's 12) had major surgery to correct a genetic defect in his foot-6 wks no weight bearing(so hard to keep a 12 yr old down) 6 more weeks in 2nd cast.
Can you see a pattern here??? Every month its something!!
July I start to think things are going to get better then on Friday night 8-3-07 we had both my mother & father in law in the hospital ER-father in law ok, but mother in law is still in the hospital & we are looking at open heart surgery possibly Tuesday or Wednesday this week! In the middle of all this I just keep putting my surgery off-I have quit exercising for fear of making my hernia worse! I have reintroduced some comfort/convience foods back in & have gained 4 lbs! I have truely given up on this year!! Can we say 2008 hurry up?? Needless to say I stepped away from the internet for a while! I have never-I mean never had this much going on in my life before! It really brought on alot of issues I have really needed to deal with! So I am working on it! I have lurked some & kept up with you all!! You are such an inspiration to me!! I really did enjoy going to the gym & hope to get back there one day soon! OH did I say long story short.... Well I am usually a quiet person but once you get me started you can't shut me up!! I hope to be around here more often for you all but I can't promise anything with this crazy year!! I will pop in & out as much as I can!
((((HUGS TO YOU))))
PS: In the middle of all of this I have been taking a sewing class on Sunday afternoons!(A girl's gotta have some time to herself) I am making my first pair of P.J.'s and they are extra small!!! WOO HOO!
Good for you, for setting aside some time to yourself! That is so important in order to cope with everything else that is demanded of you.
Hey, and great that you can make extra small pj's
We understand that you can't be here all the time - pop in and out as often as you want/need. We will be pleased to see you anytime
It's only August you can't give up on 2007 now, there's so much left of it. If you have learned one thing it's to live each day to the fullest, there are no guarantees. No one was hurt in the tornado AMEN so that's something to be grateful for. The medical technology is advanced enough to help save your mother in law AMEN thankfully your son made it through surgery and recovery AMEN want me to keep going on or do you see the glass as half full yet? ANDI