Way Off Topic - Harry Potter
I am an incredible Harry Potter fan! I got my book Saturday and finished it in 24 hours. [Yes, I did sleep] I was very pleased with the book, but not the epilogue. I had hoped it to answer a few more questions. JKR is a wonderful writer! The Potter series was the first books my son picked up to read and now he likes to read. You can't be more gifted of an author than to cause a child to like to read!!
Funny WLS related story. My son had a friend spending the weekend and since my husband and I were so happy to get our books, we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream. I got a small cone. I can usually handle that much ice cream. Usually is the key word here. We got home and I was reading and the words started to blur etc. Low blood sugar crash! So, I got up to eat some protein and I am standing in my kitchen and it dawns on me that all this stuff JKR is writing is true! There is magic and Harry Potter is real....and well, I quickly realized I was completely insane from low blood sugar. I knew it made me feel bad but never realized how much it messed with my mind! It scared me pretty good, I had to have my hubby come sit with me til it passed. He thought/still thinks it was pretty funny. One good thing came of it, I have sworn off what little ice cream I used to occassionally allow myself!! hehe.
Yeh, you're right that is a funny story. I get low blood sugar after I've eaten some types of sugar too - I find it strange it works that way, but I guess it's the body over compensating - I am diabetic - used to be uncontrolled on high neds, but not on any meds now, but now get low sugars, like you have described.
The way it affects me other than getting tired and phsyically shaky is getting 'shaky' on the inside too and get emotional - I feel really panicky and strange inside - it's really weird, like having a panic attack or something that is totally related to low sugar Strange the way our bodies react isn't it. I never got to the point of thinking HP is real though
I havent finished the book yet - I have had to ration myself otherwise I would have totally ignored everyone else in my family for a day - hard to do with a 6 year old! I plan on finishing tonight though, then may re-read it again next week