Where is Everybody?
I am cracking up with visions of me belly dancing - if I let all my stuff hang out and shimmy then not only would I knock myself out with all that would be swinging around, I'd take out the rest of the class too
Have fun, honeybun and shimmy to your hearts content. I have a niggling idea to try out a kick boxing class but need to get up the courage - stupid I know. I should just do it, I know I will enjoy it when I get around to doing it. There is even a belly dancing class that I've found.
Hmmm...I really need to kick my butt into gear and get moving. I CAN do it, I WILL DO IT
I'm here! I'm kind of bored lately ... nothing much new going on. I took my kids to the library today which is always hair-raising! Why does it have to be such a chore? You would think going to the library would be fun! But my 3-year old son always causes some sort of commotion for me! But, that is over with and now we are home and they are looking at books. So that part is all worth it, I guess!
Other than that, same ole thing ...