Do you lean?
I lean, I sway, I take off all my clothes.. sneak up on it.. stand toward the back and, if I could, would amputate and arm just for the I am terrible... I weight twice a day. Once at night and than again in the morning and if I dont like the number I may try it a few times in hopes it changes its mind. If I go potty I will also do an extra weigh in... now that is too sad isnt like that extra oz gone is gonna make a difference. Now see you are not the only one obssessed with the scale..
any one else this bad.
Hey Carla
I used to weigh that much too - then I put the scales away in the closet for a week. Boy that was tough, and it showed me how addicted I was to them. It was like this inanimate object had power over me, it was a horrible feeling. I am SO glad I put them away, it broke the addiction, even though it was hard to start with. I went on this journey to walk into freedom, not only from food and the lifestyle being obese put me into, but from everything I possible could.
I still weigh fairly often and, yes, I lean, but I lean with a giggle and a chuckle and a smile at myself, knowing that what I do only fools me, not anyone else. The scales are now out, but if ever I feel myself being compulsive about them, they are going away. I refuse to have anything having control over me or my life except God or me.
So chuckle along with me, lean along with me and we'll get by with a little help from our friends, mmm, we'll get by with a little help from our friends
Yeh, mine are digital too, but I can fool them (!!!!!duh, er me) into a few pounds here and there if I move around an d'find' the right place. Thsi can vary from day to day, so I do the acrobatic stint when dh isn't around - he thinks I'm crazy already
Definitley before GOing and before eating - goes without question surely
So I always go with the lowest reading, and if I don't like what they say I ignore them for a few hours/days til I like the number again...(who am I kidding here!!!!)
This is too funny... You are soooo not alone! lol I weigh every morning after I go and before I eat or drink even a drop... My scale is digital and weird so sometimes it'll stick at a lb or so heavier than I think I should be so I get off let it reset and then stand on it with one foot holding onto the towel rack, or have my hubby weigh himself just to let it "reset" at a different # and then I'll get back on the normal way and pray it goes back to the normal weight... Can we say Psycho? lol I'm just a little obsessed... Thankfully this morning it liked me and stayed at the same weight, so no balancing acts today!