Lately, this sums up my very existence!
I opened my business yesterday afternoon (late) (still have tons to do).... I am getting pics but like everything else its slow going and someday will be on the net... right now I still need to steam the rest of my clothes, price some stuff, write out cards that go with the jewelry and clean the windows and floors, as well as learn my cash register and credit card swipe thing...LOL (neither things I have ever done before)...LOL AND!!!!!!!!!!!!! my computer has been done almost all week at home and no internet at the store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sooooooooooooooooo I needed your making me laugh
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got allot of people passing by before I opened, but I dont have much stuff made yet and was open only one full day, I only sold one shirt and had mostly old people comming by... my stuff is not really for the older than 55 crowd...LOL... (most of my clothes are for juniors) one lady was so rude about me not having more custom sliver peices out... I left and wanted to crawl into bed and cry... I am not going in today... I need to get my nails done and meet my husband in Tampa for a business lunch... He is interviewing a new assistant and wants to know what I think. He wont listen anyway... I dont even know why he asks...LOL
Exciting/nervous? talk about being one amazing cookie. We want details, how did it go, how did you feel, relieved, tired, on cloud nine?
Shame we aren't closer or we could all have pitched in to help - I'm quite handy with a broom and paint brush
(and bought some stuff while we were there of course) - well, what woman doesn't want more jewelry huh?????
How long has it taken you to go from concept, planning to launch? Have you done it on your own or with a partner/advice etc.?????

I wish you guys were closer.... from concept to launch... well about 1 or 2 mth... my husband pushed me ... I did not think I was ready. I don't have enough stuff made yet and do have things for fillers until I do. I did it on my own with no help. The place is very pretty... But I need to add more things...I have a very old crowd Sunday and they were not buying... I have young stuff for the most part and sell mostly junior we shall see... the good part is I pay from month to month with no lease so if its not a good location I can just husband said its a good tax write off...LOL and is going to give it 6 mth to a year... Its hard hearing people talk and look at my things some people are rude... I had a lady was upset and rude that I did not have more things (custom sliver out for display) and while I was painting I had people act rude that I was not open yet. I had two people just walk in the store even though I had a closed sign up and start going through stuff.....My best friend is comming Tuesday to see it and I look forward to her advise.(she is 32 and that is the group I want to sell to) 20's 30's 40's